Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,011,715 Issue: 732 | 13th day of Hunting, Y18
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My Pet Rojel's Never Ending Career Advice

by natlain

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Game Avatars for the Non Gamer: Part One!
Do you always admire other people's game avatars? Do you also wonder how they are so good at games? And especially, if you could also get any without too much effort? Here is the secret: some of them are actually quite easy! You just have to know which ones!

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NeoPaper: Jelly Pet at Mealtime
Observe: a Jelly pet's surreal majesty, as she devours her meal.

by mbredboy31


Chaos in the Space Station
A loud bang of the front door being slammed echoed in the eventide Zafaras’ long ears. Looking up from his book, Illusens Ixi, Sparkle saw a tall boy with black hair dragging his inventory bag down the hall behind him. “Hey, Mat. What’s up?”

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Altador Cup Foods
Everyone has their own priorities...

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