White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,047,894 Issue: 733 | 20th day of Hunting, Y18
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword malphd

Week - 507

Collecting Stamps: An Interview With Malphd
by kuroge
Description: How some dedicated Neopians have accumulated so many stamps!

Also by malphd

Week - 721

Trophy Guide to Spinacles
by malphd

Also by dino8268

Week - 732

From the Top: An Inteview with Top Kadoatie Feeder
by malphd
Description: Whether you have only thought about feeding a Kadoatie or are already and experienced feeder, I’m sure you are curious as to how some dedicated Neopians have managed to feed so many Kadoaties. I’m here today with infernodragon02 to talk about the experiences of one very committed and enthusiastic Kadoatie feeder.

Also by infernodragon02

Week - 733

From the Top: An Interview with Love2045, Owner of a Top Faerieland Agency Employee
by malphd
Description: Today I’m speaking with love2045, proud owner of red_hot2004. Red_hot2044 is a baby Shoyru who has completed over twenty-five thousand (!) jobs and is currently the #2 ranked employee at the agency. While there are already guides out there for beginners, love2045 is here with her pet to share some insights and experiences

Also by love2045

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Lily was a ten year old Ixi who dreamed of becoming a Lost Desert explorer one day. She loved being in nature and exploring new places. Anytime Lily was outside, she was always pretending to be an explorer on some crazy adventure.

by she_chose_love


A Shaky Beginning
Tinvor wasn't born evil – few truly are – he was simply a product of his unfortunate childhood. As the runt of a family that was just too big for their tiny shack in the outskirts of Meridell, every day was a struggle for simple necessities.

Also by meadow_lark

by sanamm


Be Extreme
You need a hobby.

by goldensif


From the Top: An Interview with Love2045, Owner of a Top Faerieland Agency Employee
Today I’m speaking with love2045, proud owner of red_hot2004. Red_hot2044 is a baby Shoyru who has completed over twenty-five thousand (!) jobs and is currently the #2 ranked employee at the agency. While there are already guides out there for beginners, love2045 is here with her pet to share some insights and experiences

Also by love2045

by malphd


Robot Envy
There seems to be an oversight here...

by sn4zzeh

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