Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,047,894 Issue: 733 | 20th day of Hunting, Y18
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Short Stories


Lily was a ten year old Ixi who dreamed of becoming a Lost Desert explorer one day. She loved being in nature and exploring new places. Anytime Lily was outside, she was always pretending to be an explorer on some crazy adventure.

by she_chose_love
The Tale of the Missing Tail

Alshena the Plushie Aisha held back tears as the other Neopets pointed and laughed at her. They were ridiculing her for a feature (or lack thereof) that she couldn't help. The poor little kitty had been born without a tail.

by _brainchild_
The Flight of the Court Dancer

The roar of those calling for her blood as she fled through the castle gates was deafening. She ran blindly through the Castletown, hiking up her skirts and hoping to Lord Kass that there would be no town guard to bar her way.

by drifbilim
Usuki Singing Stars Special: An Interview with Snaw

Patricia: Hello and welcome to this week’s segment of [Fabulous Neopians More Important than You!]. I’m your faerie Shoyru host: Patricia, from the Usuki Singing Stars series! And today, I’ll be interviewing an NT star who has just struck one hundred submissions

by downrightdude
A Shaky Beginning

Tinvor wasn't born evil – few truly are – he was simply a product of his unfortunate childhood. As the runt of a family that was just too big for their tiny shack in the outskirts of Meridell, every day was a struggle for simple necessities.

Also by meadow_lark

by sanamm

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"Kaddy" by she_chose_love
Lily was a ten year old Ixi who dreamed of becoming a Lost Desert explorer one day. She loved being in nature and exploring new places. Anytime Lily was outside, she was always pretending to be an explorer on some crazy adventure. It was a Saturday morning in the middle of July. The sun was shining, birds were chirping and the sky was a crystal clear blue, there was not a cloud in sight. On this perfect summer morning, Lily was awake at the crack of dawn and ready to have an adventure of her own. “Mom, I am going to play in the backyard now,” called Lily as she ran down the hallway towards the front door. “Have fun sweetie,“ replied her mother. Lily pretended she was exploring a jungle as she went through the trees and bushes in the backyard. She was searching for the ruler of the jungles lost crown when suddenly she heard a voice. “Roar! I am a tiger and I eat Ixi explorers for breakfast!” Said the mysterious voice. “Tom, I know that’s you," Laughed Lily as her friend Tom emerged from behind a tree. “Want to help me find the ruler of the jungles lost crown?” “Oh man, you were supposed to be scared!” Replied Tom. “Explorers don’t get scared!” Said Lily, “come on, let’s go deep into the jungle," Tom and Lily, went deep into the jungle trying hard to find the crown.

Other Stories


15 Cutest Petpets For Less Than 5000 NP
Who doesn’t love petpets? Those little critters will keep your Neopet active, alert, and responsible. They come in all species and colors, and lots of people think that the most beautiful ones are the most expensive. That’s not entirely true, for some of the cutest and most adorable petpets can be also the cheapest.

by darkobsession


Five Most Enjoyable Neopian Memories
The feeling I had the moment of receiving my avatars was of elation and feeling on top of Neopia. So I decided to take my sentiments a step forward and see what are some of the highlights and memories other Neopians will always cherish.

by alienspacefairy


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Six
The inside of the cave was even worse than I thought it would be. Much much worse.

by chasing_stars44


Reign of Ice: Part Four
It was a long, cold trek to the harbor, but when they finally made it they found two more Coconuts standing guard by the boats. “You know, Brendon, I hear there are pirates in the area.” Irena was just loud enough for the two natives to hear her, and they immediately scrambled.

by neolikepets


Just Jelni: Surprise Sister
What could be in the box? Open it up and find out!

by angul888


How to Get Things Done
"Here's your round tuit, good sir."

Also by murillion

by shadowlugia_92

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