The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,047,894 Issue: 733 | 20th day of Hunting, Y18
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Neocola Eating

by djones04

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Great stories!


Lily was a ten year old Ixi who dreamed of becoming a Lost Desert explorer one day. She loved being in nature and exploring new places. Anytime Lily was outside, she was always pretending to be an explorer on some crazy adventure.

by she_chose_love


Just Have a Go!
Sometimes there were plots that just didn't make sense to me. Sometimes there were activities that I had no idea how to do. So I asked around and do you know what? I just HAD A GO!

Also by monosaccharides

by chiefgrumpy


Game Avatars for the Non Gamer: Part Two!
If you enjoyed last week's 'Game Avatars for the Non Gamer', this article is for you! Here are 7 more relatively easy game avatars for you to try out!

Also by salutation

by golvenzee


Usuki Singing Stars Special: An Interview with Snaw
Patricia: Hello and welcome to this week’s segment of [Fabulous Neopians More Important than You!]. I’m your faerie Shoyru host: Patricia, from the Usuki Singing Stars series! And today, I’ll be interviewing an NT star who has just struck one hundred submissions

by downrightdude

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