For an easier life Circulation: 194,047,894 Issue: 733 | 20th day of Hunting, Y18
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Time Capsule

by creepyknees

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Great stories!


A Shaky Beginning
Tinvor wasn't born evil – few truly are – he was simply a product of his unfortunate childhood. As the runt of a family that was just too big for their tiny shack in the outskirts of Meridell, every day was a struggle for simple necessities.

Also by meadow_lark

by sanamm


Be Extreme
You need a hobby.

by goldensif


Avatar Addiction
Friends don't let friends get obsessed.

Also by Lyndsey4657

by pinksrainbow


The Tale of the Missing Tail
Alshena the Plushie Aisha held back tears as the other Neopets pointed and laughed at her. They were ridiculing her for a feature (or lack thereof) that she couldn't help. The poor little kitty had been born without a tail.

by _brainchild_

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