Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,047,894 Issue: 733 | 20th day of Hunting, Y18
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Be Extreme

by goldensif

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Great stories!


Clouds Over Cogham: Part One
Mer’s frantic pleading is swallowed by the lava along with the rocks that still fall from the ceiling. The heat from the volcano dries his tears to his cheeks, yet still isn’t warm enough to soothe the tenseness in his aching arms. His eyes are sore from the saltstains and heatwaves. His breathing is shallow and plagued with ash.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Avatar Addiction
Friends don't let friends get obsessed.

Also by Lyndsey4657

by pinksrainbow


Neocola Eating

by djones04


15 Cutest Petpets For Less Than 5000 NP
Who doesn’t love petpets? Those little critters will keep your Neopet active, alert, and responsible. They come in all species and colors, and lots of people think that the most beautiful ones are the most expensive. That’s not entirely true, for some of the cutest and most adorable petpets can be also the cheapest.

by darkobsession

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