There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,089,139 Issue: 738 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y18
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The Nightmare in Altador

by skutterbotched


      I have never been one to fear the Night. I have long embraced it, revered it. Worshiped it.

      I have never been given cause to fear the Night. I have never shied away from it, or cowered in the dark, praying for Dawn to arrive. Why I have begun to do so, however, is a source of contention for me. I cannot speak of it to my Housemates for fear of sounding weak. They would tease me relentlessly for it. The Eventide Peophin, afraid of the Night. As though I did not have enough problems fitting in, such as my use of Old Neopian in speech or that I sometimes forget how to speak in 'modern' Neopian.

      But it's not the Night I fear, not really. It's what the Night brings, its hidden secrets and dark memories. I often spend my Nights now in my Garden, full of Blooms that are only seen in the Night. I spend my Days fighting off sleep, for that is my true Foe. I have been having, for lack of a better word, Nightmares.

      It is really only one Nightmare, one that tears at my mind during the Day and leaves me jumping at the shadows I see everywhere in Altador. It is difficult to explain that no, I'm not terrified of my own shadow. It's the shadows the others aren't seeing.

      Aerlliin, the one I consider a Sister, is more understanding. I know I can entrust her with my deepest fears and she will not tease me. I have asked her what I might be able to do.

      “What exactly is your problem? Everybody has nightmares.” It is meant to be reassuring, but she does not understand that I have had Nightmares previously. “Unless...” She pauses for a moment.

      “Unless what, Sister mine?” I have leaned in, and we speak in very quiet whispers in the back of a Library. I do not like Libraries- the last time I was in one, I was accosted by a pun Cult. But Aerlliin insists on meeting me in the Altadorian library, which she insists claims no underground Cults. I am still wary.

      “Bear with me, here. I have an idea. Jariev brought up dream magic in a lesson last week. Just let me find the book-” she teleports in and out in a moment- “HERE!”

      “Just because thou hast the ability doth not mean thou should.” I am certain she is going to destroy the magical Fabric of Neopia one of these Days. “What did thine Teacher tell thee about dream Magic?” I am not familiar with Magic. I radiate a bit of light Magic, but it is out of my control and I cannot use it. Aerlliin has enough magic to make the World destroy Itself, and thus began seeing an ancient Tree Sprite to gain better control over the Forces she wields. This has been for the better, as we have not had a single rift in the Galaxy in at least three Weeks.

      The Month is young, though.

      “Uh, hang on. Right here, 'Nightmares.' If it's a recurring nightmare, it's likely... aw, snap.” The way her face contorts tells me that I am not going to like this. I wait for her to finish reading. “It might actually be a Nightmare.”

      “I understand that, Sister mine. That does not tell me how to make them stop.” I am getting frustrated. “If you cannot help-”

      “No, Amulatt. You don't understand. I'm talking about the creature, not the thing. Well, it is a thing, but-”

      “How do I stop it from destroying my Dreams?” I crane my neck over the table, and the Faerie Peophin waves me off. “Have you not gotten to that part?” She lets out a very long, very exasperated Sigh.

      “Oh, I did. You're really, really not gonna like this.” She winces a little as she re-reads the passage. “You've got to fight it in single combat. Also, they tend to be the size of a small house.”

      “I am very small and not equipped for battle!” I create a sweeping motion over all 9.2 hands of my Body. Aerlliin is 16.2 hands, which means she is much, much taller than I am. “Can I suggest a Champion in my stead?” She lifts an Eyebrow at me, which she does often. Most People do when I suggest something.

      “You would have to actually meet the Nightmare to do that. Which means you'd have to have your champion at the ready, and even though I love you, I am not taking on a Nightmare for you.” She ends the last bit with a Smile. My Face, however, falls. I cannot help it.

      “I am going to have to speak to Doe, am I not?” Doe terrifies me. Massive and brusque, we do not understand each other. I am delicate and small and not prone to Battle. Doe is a Bull in a Shenkuu Plate Shop.




          “So you want me to fight someone.” Doe is obliterating a Practice Dummy with both Magical and Physical attacks. Once she destroys it, she pieces it back together. Flutter does not let her purchase more than a dozen a month. “Who, what, when, where, amiga?”

      “I... wait, what?” I did not think it would be this easy. I do not know what an 'amiga' is, but she does not say it with malice.

      “If someone's bullying you, I'll DESTROY them.” The Practice Dummy explodes, and I flinch. “Nobody messes with MY family.” She looks at the remains of the Dummy and sighs. “No piecing that one back together. Hey, Liin, can you pull the last one out of the bin?”

      “There isn't another one in the bin. You blew the bin up with that last bit of anger. Maybe you need to talk to Jariev, too.”

      “Nah, I can't do that 'peace and love' nonsense. Guess I'll have to practice in the ruins.” She shrugs, and motions for us to follow.

      “Actually, we sort of need the ruins. For who you need to battle,” Aerlliin says. “It's a little complicated.”

      “Complicated? I could do that in my sleep.” I almost make a disgusted noise at her cockiness, but she is doing this for me. “Wait, there's something you're not telling me. Out with it, faerie princess.”

      “You'll actually need to be asleep. You and Amulatt both.” She lets out the Breath she had been holding. “I'll be performing the ritual, so I can't go. Consider it bonding time!” I make brief Eye contact with Doe, and then briefly glare at Aerlliin. Doe does the same.



          It is Nighttime. Aerlliin has created some odd circle with Runes drawn in the dirt, and we are to Sleep in it. Rayneance, our expert on the Dream World, is here to give us some last Minute advice. I am terrified.

      “I'll speak the invocation when you two are comfortable, and you'll fall asleep pretty much instantly. Remember- it's the dream world. You are what you think, and you're braver there than you are here. The Nightmare you're dealing with has only gotten stronger since you've been too scared to tell me about it.” She takes a deep Breath. “You can create your own weapons there, Doe. Just think it up. You're not going in physically.”

      “Rayneance, please speak the Invocation properly. I am pleased you are the one speaking It, but one wrong Word and-”

      “Child, I've been speaking Old Neopian for longer than you've been alive. Relax.” I will have to ask her how she learned to Speak the way she does, but I feel the answer is Time. “Et vocavi creatura hoc facere noctu sororem meam timetis.”

      I feel the World shifting, spinning, enveloping everything I know and feel. I feel as if I am going to lose everything I have eaten this last Month just before I hit the Ground with my Hooves. Doe is rotating Forms, from a Cybunny to a Flower to a half dozen forms I don't recognize to, finally, a Stealthy Uni.

      “That didn't feel right, ugh.” She shakes her great Head. Her entire Mane shifts from one side to another, the Weight of it finally causing it to rest to one Side of her Neck. “Alright, the demon should-”

      “NOBODY TOLD ME IT IS A DEMON!” I shriek in a Voice that is not my own. I clear my throat, looking around and Praying nobody Heard it.

      “Sorry. I think that's why nobody told you. But yeah, totally a demon. Nice things generally don't make people so scared to sleep they drink eight pots of coffee a day.” She gives me a sidelong Glance. “Don't think we didn't notice, Latte.” A new Nickname, it seems, for my recent Behavior. “Anyhow, it should be here soon. You probably need to call it.”

      “Et vocavi, creatura!” I shout it, loud enough that it Echoes and comes back to us. The Ground rumbles, shakes, and groans beneath our feet. The Sky darkens, and Lightning flashes across the previously cloudless Night. In a blink, the World has turned into my Nightmare.

      “Dang, Latte. Your demon friend comes up with some scary stuff.” She looks around, getting a better View of what we are Dealing with. “Your lights went out!”

      “They do that, when I am scared.” I explain it as best I can. “It is an instinctual response. Odd, though, that it would happen when I sleep, as well.”

      “Not that odd, Toots. If it's instinct, it's part of you. The deepest part of you. No wonder the demon was drawn to you, though. It makes you an easy target in this dream state. And here it comes.” She motions towards the dark Rabbit that hops across our Path. It has always hopped across the Path. I also know where it will be.

      “I know where to go.” I take off in the correct Direction, and Doe follows obediently.

      “Down a rabbit hole, apparently.” Doe chuckles. “Oh, it's got you good. Alright, then. Lead on, Little Bit. Nothing will get you while I'm here.” This makes me relax a fair bit. I am always alone in my Dreams. I jump at the flashing of soundless Lightning. It highlights dark Alleyways filled with more Demons, smoky things with Tendril-like Fingers that grasp and claw and moan. These I have Known to be Demons. They are my own, though I do not tell Doe. I am certain she already Knows. A few more seem to appear in the Shadows, and I suspect they are hers. “I know you see them, Sugarcube, and I'd rather not talk about them.”

      “I am pleased we agree on not discussing them.” The true nature of her Demons is obscured to me. Only she knows their Names, just as I only know Mine. “I only hope we do not need to Battle those, as well.”

      “Oh, honey.” She is a tad condescending. “I fight mine every night. That's why I don't have as many.”

      “We deal with them differently. I prefer keeping mine in the Shadows, thankyouverymuch.” I know the cringe she does is due to my use of the Formal 'You,' but that condescension was much out of line. “The Battlefield is just ahead.” The Sky darkens further, and then turns to red. The Demons in the shadows crowd around us, pushing us to the center of the Field. “This is usually the point in the Dream that I wake up screaming,” I admit.

      “Don't. For the love of Fyora, don't leave me alone here.” It occurs to me that she may be Seeing something different. Rayneance had explained, in short, how things do not look the same to Everyone in the Dream World. “I can't deal with these things on my own.”

      “Dost thou usually deal with them alone?” I am curious.

      “No. Usually I have a dream friend or Julius, my Babaa, with me. He's a tough little critter.”

      “I saw him Obliterate a whole bowl of Crunchies by himself once. Fierce, indeed.” I Sigh. “Starsong would be less than useful here.”

      “Considering your pet needs an aquarium and a filter, yeah. But they look... I dunno. Different here.” She pauses for a moment, flicking her Ears about. “You feel the change? It's here.” I open my Mouth to Speak and am interrupted by a Great and Ferocious voice. The Sky now turns to a deep Crimson, and Lightning flashes black at random.

      “You actually brought a friend this time, Starmare. Cute.” The small Rabbit has transformed into something grotesque, a mass of writhing Tentacles on a Uni.

      “Ugh, spiders. I hate spiders.” Doe flinches. “You can squish them, if you'd like.”

      “I do not see Spiders. I would prefer the Spiders.”

      “Fear is, I'm afraid, what I live for. But not you. What are you here for, if not to feed me?” She is without Emotion and very concise.

      “I bring forth a Champion to do Battle for control over my Dreams once again.” This is sputtered out, as my Demons are clawing at me, begging for my Attention. It is taking everything I have to only pay Attention to the Nightmare.

      “Yup, that's me. The champion. It's the rules.” Doe is not the most eloquent Uni, but she does get her Point across. “Now fight me, or are you scared?” The Nightmare rolls her Eyes.

      “That's not in the rules. There are none. I'm a demon, I do what I please. I will, however, make a deal. If the little Starmare can defeat one of her little hangers-on, I will relinquish control of her dreams.”

      “And if I am unable?”

      “You'll find out how many cups of coffee are in Neopia, I think.” I am doomed. “I will pick which one you deal with. This is not a physical battle, I'm not cruel. This will at least provide me entertainment. And someone with as many secrets as you've got? Lots of entertainment.” She slides closer to me, and I can see that she is dripping with Slime and smells of Rot and Decay.

      “Choose my Demon, then, if it pleases you.”

      “If you pick one she can't beat or go back on your word, demon, I'll destroy you.” Doe's eyes narrow. She is no longer Fearful and the last of her own Demons have been banished. She did not have many to start with. I am a little Envious, but glad for her. I have such a variety of Demons that many do not even have a name. One such Demon slides off of my Body, but I know this one's Name.

      It is Regret. I suppose it is better than dealing with Pride, which is a Demon I could never deal with on my own. Few people could. I Regret many things, most of all, though, leaving my Parents. They were not my 'Real' Parents, but I Loved them as though they were. I left them to become the Empress of our Tri-Galaxy Imperium. I could not bring them with me because they were of a different Class. “I really must deal with this one, then?”

      “Yuppers. Deal with it, fight it. Master it. If you do, I'll leave you alone.” I am Suspicious. This cannot be such a simple Concept that she would allow me to go free so easily. “Have at it.”

      It takes my Form, and now mimics my every Move. Usually, I deal with my Problems by ignoring them until they go away or they aren't a Problem anymore. It's not unlike what Flutter does when she gets bad News- she sticks her Fingers in her Ears and hums until the Messenger gives up and writes the News down. I cannot do that any longer. I stare at my Demon, head-on. It is what Doe did, and it seemed to Work for her. I hear her groan after what Feels like a long Time.

      “You can't just sit and stare at it, Halfpint. You need to work through it while you stare it down.”

      “That's cheating, Uni!” The Nightmare is not Happy.

      “She was just going to stare at it until she woke up or the world ended.” Her Voice is once again bitter. “You said you weren't cruel. Let this go.”

      “Ugh. You take all the fun away. Fine.”

      “Thou art a little Distracting.” I am staring at the Problem, my Demon, but I still do not know how to get rid of it. The way it moves, it reminds me of Edna's Shadow. I do not Enjoy playing that Game. I pace to the Right, it Follows. To the Left, when I walk away, when I walk closer. Walking into it causes an odd Sensation that makes me feel the Emotion that the Demon is associated with. “I really do not like this Game.”

      “I'm pretty sure you already know what you need to do, Shortstack. No way to go around it or ignore it.” Doe certainly has a way with Nicknames. “Face it head on. If you, you know, dealt with problems as they came, you probably wouldn't attract nightmare demons.”

      I do as she suggests, and run into the Demon.



      I awake with a start. One Moment, I was sleeping. The next, I am Awake. “That was disconcerting.”

      “Ugh, my head. I never, ever want to do that again.” Doe rolls over onto her Stomach, using her Legs to keep herself propped up. “Please tell me it worked.”

      “I do not Know. I probably will not until I sleep again.” I shake my Head, loosing some Grass and Dirt that entangled itself in my Mane. Rayneance has stayed by us while we Dreamed, and puts down the Spellbook she had been studying.

      “You'll have time enough for that tonight. Aerlliin had another crisis to solve, so I'll just send her a note if it worked. Sound good?”

      “It does. I thank thee.”



      The End.

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