A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,089,139 Issue: 738 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y18
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New Series

Nightmare Masquerade: Part One

Fate had been cruel to the Aisha, and she had lost everything she had ever held dear in her heart, but the cruelty had no end, for her dreams continued to haunt her. They were not dreams of sadness and loss that infiltrated her sleep.

by amethyst_81
Pigments and Figments: Part One

But it was no good. Clearly, IT had gotten him. IT, the thing he had talked about for months. IT, the thing that had haunted him for months. IT, the reason he had not had good sleep in months.

Also by flufflepuff

by rielcz

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"The Dream Stealer" by vanessa1357924680
Fred took an uncomfortably large bite of his Tofu and Veggie sandwich, wishing that the lunch conversation would change to something—anything—else. The orange Jubjub worked in one of those brand-new tall offices in Neopia Central where the windows were so clean that he often felt that he would fall right through the glass. He enjoyed his simple job, he enjoyed his coworkers, and he enjoyed the time they all spent chatting over lunch in the shiny employee cafeteria. Most days, Fred would eagerly join the conversation. If the topic happened to be Yooyuball, he would advocate proudly for team Maraqua. If the topic fell to books, he would recommend one he had just finished reading (such as Galactic Adventures II, which he had zipped through in just two days). He even didn’t mind talking about work on those days when a particular deadline was fast approaching and everyone in the office was too stressed to discuss anything else. But today, the topic was the one thing Fred could not contribute to: dreams. And so the orange Jubjub ate his sandwich in silence.

Other Stories


A Bright Moon, Some Rolling Hills, And Infinity
The sky was dark, but distant stars twinkled alongside a full and bright Kreludor moon, giving a pretty sight for two blithe Neopets to gaze at while they lay side by side among rolling grassy hills. They claimed these benevolent hills as their own as they often came to them to gaze at stars, watch a sunrise, or to pick flowers.

by the_gecko_dude_ii


The Long Road
My family screamed for me when President Evergreen called my name: Melody Harvester.

by parody_ham


Neopian Nightmares
Everyone is afraid of something. What is your worst nightmare? What is the worst thing you can imagine happening to the Neopets site, or the world of Neopia?

by aleu1986


Labor Laws of Altador: Are Workers Protected?
The Altador Cup. What many consider a summertime staple, a wholesome event for the entire family to enjoy, actually harbor’s a dark secret few care to acknowledge. It happens in the open, where any can witness it. It may have happened while you were present in the room, right under your nose. It is a crime unparalleled in abhorrence and negligence.

by ironmermaidens


Now That's the Real Nightmare
What really wakes Imiya up...

by kentuckyfrychickenrl


Janet and Jane: Dreams
Those types of dreams are pretty scary for everyone, not just for the dreamer.

by chasing_stars44

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