Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Ink: Grey Lines

by june_scarlet

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It's Been Years
It's been six long years for Carly and Kay. We both left Neopets for different reasons, and somehow stayed away for more than half a decade. But like everyone who's spun the Wheel of Monotony knows, sometimes long waits result in vast rewards.

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Clouds Over Cogham: Part Nine
The assassin's glare is pure acid as he looks up once more towards the knight with which he duels. Desperate now, he stands straight and opens his arms, then his entire being begins to glow with intense nova magic. Tor takes a few worried steps back at the sight. Roberta watches in awe from a distance. "This ends now!"

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Sunny Side Up: Stealthy
Imagine if paint colors also came with their own set of special abilities.

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Ten Signs You Might be Addicted to Neggs
Neggs are some of the most delectable treats in Neopia. A favorite of many Neopets and owners alike, these egg-like treats have a multitude of uses. They can be used (obviously) to feed your pet, to subsidize a collection, or even to train your pet! Neggs can be, however, addicting.

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