Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Short Stories


I am invisible. And I don’t mean that in the sense that I’m one of those shy, insignificant, or soft spoken pets. I mean exactly what I say: I am literally Invisible. I have that Fyora-forsaken Lab Ray to thank.

by madidogs88
A Draik's Dessert-Themed Dilemma

The sky was dark, and Batterflies littered the air. Hessron the Plushie Draik was in his bed, trying to sleep. However, his ears were plagued by an odd, creepy noise. Therefore, he got up to investigate.

by _brainchild_
Farewell to Lynwood

From the moment Suhel Caradoc laid eyes on the Lynwood School for Girls, she knew she did not belong there. he little Christmas-coloured Lupe poked out her snout from the window of her carriage, eyeing the grounds with distaste.

by cosmicfire918
A Place To Be

The snow was leaking through her beaten souled boots. Black rubber was grinding on freshly fallen January snow, as Arrow dug deeper into its depths . A pudgy, round faced women was having the same struggle as she dug her shovel deeper into the drive way.

by indigo_sky_26
The Malevolent Candy Vampire

Tulse, by very nature—as he was a most fluffy Marshmallow Grundo—always loved all things sweet. In fact he dedicated his life to sweets and eventually opened up his own bakery where he handcrafted every delectable sweet he could dream up!

by jhudora96
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Top 10 Best Places to Vacation in Neopia

For those of you Neopians who are burnt out or tired from tending to your shops, taking part in dailies, and participating in the Altador Cup, why not consider taking your Neopet on vacation? Now, I know what you're thinking: there are so many places in Neopia to visit, I can't choose! This article will provide you with a list of the ten best potential vacation spots in Neopia.

Other Stories


Ten Signs You Might be Addicted to Neggs
Neggs are some of the most delectable treats in Neopia. A favorite of many Neopets and owners alike, these egg-like treats have a multitude of uses. They can be used (obviously) to feed your pet, to subsidize a collection, or even to train your pet! Neggs can be, however, addicting.

by auraphic


The Top 10 Best Places to Vacation in Neopia
For those of you neopians who are burnt out or tired from tending to your shops, taking part in dailies, and participating in the Altador Cup, why not consider taking your neopet on vacation? Now, I know what you're thinking: there are so many places in Neopia to visit, I can't choose!

by goldie11147


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Gem of Rundeth: Part One
It was a quiet night in Faerieland. No one was awake to see a dark and seemingly gelatinous figure make its way to Faerie Queen's Castle. It then turned into a blob and slid unseen into the castle through a window. The blob carefully traversed the castle hallways until it had arrived at a room sparkling with gems in the light of the half-moon.

by orisasda


The Burning Book of Moltara: Part Two
"It's right over there, on that island ahead." They had flown around a maze of islands until they seemed to be in the middle of them all. As the three of them reached the beach, the Peophin stopped short and tilted its head towards the shore. "I can't go with you, but it's right over there. You'll know when you find it."

Also by brooklyn3223 and eeames

by mapthesoul


Birthday Cake
he intention is what counts, right?

by supertualet


Sunny Side Up: Stealthy
Imagine if paint colors also came with their own set of special abilities.

by amarettoball

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