teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Birthday Cake

by supertualet

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Instrument Shopping
Only the finest quality.

by pinkcrown123


Are you a Neoquest Addict?
Playing Neoquest is a major pastime for Neopians of all walks of life. The premise of the game is an age old one: the lone warrior must work his way into the center of evil to purge their world of the plague that vows to destroy them. The twist in this Neopian game is that you are that warrior, and the evil you must combat comes in the form of many scary, cute, and hilarious-looking enemies

by aspirina


Sunny Side Up: Stealthy
Imagine if paint colors also came with their own set of special abilities.

by amarettoball


Is Your Chia a Fruit Yet?
Chias are the only Neopets species that have the particular trait to convert themselves into fruits or vegetables. How did this happen? We are not really sure; there are a lot of theories about it.

by alienigenosidad

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