Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kahlen369

Week - 762

3 Great Themed Neopet Account Ideas
by kahlen369
Description: Have you ever looked at your User Lookup and just thought to yourself, “I love all my Neopets separately, but together, they just don’t seem to match!” Well then, this list is perfect for you, because now you can finally find pets that are not just perfect by themselves, but also as a set. Yes, I’m talking about doing themed Neopet accounts!

Week - 763

What Is A Good Book Really Worth?
by kahlen369
Description: Even a single article for the Neopian Times takes a lot of hard work and research. Just imagine all that and magnify it tenfold, a hundredfold, a thousandfold even (depending on how thick this book is). Place yourself in the author’s shoes, think about all the long hours you spent crouched over a desk, pen in hand, scribbling tirelessly at your manuscript. Their blood, sweat and tears were poured into those paper pages, and their hopes and dreams went into the words printed on it.

Week - 764

How To Be Creative (And Make Neopoints Off It)
by kahlen369
Description: If you’ve got a talent for bringing Neopets (and Petpets too!) to life using your words or your drawings, then you’ve got quite an opportunity to show off these gifts and get rewarded for it at the same time.

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Spiral: Part Two
The group ceased any movement. The forest fell silent. Nearby, a glowing caught their focus. Wearing a frilly dress, and a neat bow, slowly, a wispy translucent Kacheek floated into the vicinity, a short distance away…

by waterguardianwmr


Celebrating Sloth Day In Style
14th day of Sleeping, Y19. Arguably, one of the best days of the year. Sloth Appreciation Day. The one day of the year where Dr. Frank Sloth, infamous evil scientist and leader of Virtupets Corp. gets the attention and admiration he deserves. So sit back, grab a notebook, and prepare to take notes on the best ways to celebrate Sloth Day in style!

Also by djleclair

by blackroseofwisdom


The History of the Neopian Times Slorg
Who knew a slorg would love a crayon so much?

by tokyocathy


“SLOTH! SLOTH! SLOTH!” the deformed Grundos chanted. “As you can see.. The Space Faerie can no longer protect Neopia as she is a little under the weather. So from now on I am the ruler of the Neopian universe,” Sloth said. Without any further word he dropped the mic and walked out.

Also by pikachewz

by grimmbones7


Usuki Singing Stars #37: Like, Totally Goth
\Scary turned to stare at Gerald. The Aisha was wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans, blacks and white sneakers, and a red beanie. He looked depressed and (totally) boring, too. “You honestly think I can relate to that freak?” Scary gasped. “How in Neopia can I befriend something who wears black eye shadow??”

by downrightdude

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