Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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A Baby and a Brute: Part One

The wind tore through the woods with a fearsome howl, rattling the leafless branches. Everything was white but it was far from a winter wonderland. A lone figure trekked through the deep snow...

by 77thbigby
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Celebrating Sloth Day

14th day of Sleeping, Y19. Arguably, one of the best days of the year. Sloth Appreciation Day. The one day of the year where Dr. Frank Sloth, infamous evil scientist and leader of Virtupets Corp. gets the attention and admiration he deserves. So sit back, grab a notebook, and prepare to take notes on the best ways to celebrate Sloth Day in style!

Other Stories


“SLOTH! SLOTH! SLOTH!” the deformed Grundos chanted. “As you can see.. The Space Faerie can no longer protect Neopia as she is a little under the weather. So from now on I am the ruler of the Neopian universe,” Sloth said. Without any further word he dropped the mic and walked out.

Also by pikachewz

by grimmbones7


Balthazar Reborn
As soon as his breaths had turned into the gentle wheezes of dreamers, I knew it was time. The moon bore witness to my fleeting figure, noting without emotion my attempts to keep as quiet as I could as I tiptoed out of the room. It saw me find what I was looking for, and offered a handful of moonbeams to aid my inspections. I accepted them, though they turned out to be unnecessary. I’d already known it’d be perfect.

by sampleneopian


Celebrating Sloth Day In Style
14th day of Sleeping, Y19. Arguably, one of the best days of the year. Sloth Appreciation Day. The one day of the year where Dr. Frank Sloth, infamous evil scientist and leader of Virtupets Corp. gets the attention and admiration he deserves. So sit back, grab a notebook, and prepare to take notes on the best ways to celebrate Sloth Day in style!

Also by djleclair

by blackroseofwisdom


How To Be Creative (And Make Neopoints Off It)
If you’ve got a talent for bringing Neopets (and Petpets too!) to life using your words or your drawings, then you’ve got quite an opportunity to show off these gifts and get rewarded for it at the same time.

by kahlen369


Out of This World Romance
No. I'm just green.

Also by chantili_doce

by hopeandjoy


The Eyes
What direction?

by janderson_lee

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