Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,489,154 Issue: 769 | 17th day of Awakening, Y19
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by janderson_lee

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Great stories!


The Conflict On Kreludor
I'm going to be breaking down the multiple sections of history of this planet to give a greater understanding of Neopia's outer world and how it plays into the politics happening down on the ground.

Also by erai

by alienigenosidad


Crafting With Delina
I was able to maneuver around all the spools of thread and yards of fabric to be able to chat with Delina herself! I prepared a few questions for her to try and get the real scoop on how she designs her excellent outfits.

by auraphic


Gardener Trouble
Watch who you're trimming there, buddy!

by dirigibleplums


The Trials of Neopia's #1 Gamer: Part IV
I hate you ...

Also by artemislknight

by bha288

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