teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,549,954 Issue: 774 | 24th day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 21 result(s) for the keyword mucka33

Week - 470

Shade's Realm
by mucka33
Description: (Sadly) based on a true story!

Week - 493

Annoying Books to Have Around
by mucka33
Description: When you reach over to grab a book, you expect something with a nice hard cover that contains a story to read.

Week - 521

Generic Birthday Present Ideas
by mucka33
Description: Are you one of those people who forgets about birthdays until the day before? If so, what do you do for buying that person a present?

Idea by chocolatekittens

Week - 619

An Interview with a Pteri and his Owner
by gorubeza
Description: A Pteri Day Special!

Also by mucka33

Week - 633

The Adventures of Zarugene and Dunestar: Part 1
by gorubeza
Description: Grave...

Coloring and thumbnail by mucka33

Week - 634

The Adventures of Zarugene and Dunestar: Part 2
by gorubeza
Description: Grrrr!

Coloring and thumbnail by mucka33

Week - 636

The Adventures of Zarugene and Dunestar: Part 3
by gorubeza
Description: An adorable ending!

Coloring and thumbnail by mucka33

Week - 644

A Poogle's Tale
by mucka33
Description: My name is ckatackatackata. Yes, I realize it's a mouthful, so for your sake as well as my sanity, you're welcome to just call me Tacka.

Week - 655

Shade's Realm: Newcomer
by mucka33
Description: Who are you?

Week - 656

Shade's Realm: No Choice
by mucka33
Description: The great and mighty who?

Week - 714

Evil-opia: The Plan
by mucka33
Description: I guess height really does matter.

Week - 715

Evil-opia: Names
by mucka33
Description: It's hard to stand out.

Week - 716

Evil-opia: Seth
by mucka33
Description: One day...

Week - 722

Mystery Island Traveller's Diary
by mucka33
Description: Oh what a beautiful day! Gone are the dreary clouds and bone-chilling humidity of Shenkuu’s late spring, and arrived are the hot sun and blue skies of Mystery Island. The airship ride from Shenkuu to a small island off the coast of Moltara, and the subsequent boat ride to Mystery Island, was very enjoyable. As we lost elevation, the damp air dried and the clouds dissipated, paving the way for sun, sun, and more sun!

Week - 746

Introspection of the Misunderstood
by mucka33
Description: The sky shines bright blue today, clear enough that you can almost see to the heavens above. From down here, one can only imagine the vastness of space, of what lies beyond, out of reach from all but the most intrepid.

Week - 769

Uncrowned: Part 1
by mucka33
Description: What do you want?

Week - 771

Uncrowned: Part 2
by mucka33
Description: Seth?

Week - 770

The Escape
by mucka33
Description: Jack's a Darigan Jubjub.

Week - 772

Uncrowned: Part 3
by mucka33
Description: Your one true ruler has returned.

Week - 773

Uncrowned: Part 4
by mucka33
Description: This palace is mine now, so begone!

Week - 774

Uncrowned: Part 5
by mucka33
Description: Well someone's stealing my thunder!

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