Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,549,954 Issue: 774 | 24th day of Running, Y19
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Continued Series

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“You can see curses?” Suhel asked Pharazon. To her Werelupe vision, nothing looked wrong with Lexora at all. “Well, they are a type of magic,” the faerie Draik said. “Magic to me is what smell is to you. I could see Connor’s curse on him, plain as day.”

by cosmicfire918
Do You Believe In Magic: Part Two

Elwin didn’t remember the landing. He could recollect falling into the well and the surprisingly short drop down the dark shaft, but the landing itself…he had no memory of that. Likely he had hit his head immediately upon impact and forgotten everything.

by emblo93
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"Coronation of a King" by wellthatsfantastic
“Hail!” a sweet voice called out, echoing slightly across the cave walls. Hailstorm turned around to find a pretty chocolate Peophin making her way to him, her face flushed with a blush at the echo. “I’ll never get used to the echo of this place.” Pure Decadence whispered as she flashed him a grin. Hail felt a grin of his own cross his features. “You don’t have to whisper Deca. Just… try not to project so loudly!” Deca tossed her head, her dyed amber mane fluttering behind her. She was dressed his opposite, him in a silver tunic and black pants and the purple hair that was his only act of rebellious youth and her in a long sweeping gown the color of autumn leaves. The gown seemed to dance with light from the sun despite the fact that the sun rarely shown in this area of Terror Mountain. Decadence tossed her head again. If there was one thing she was vain about it was showing off her new hair style. Hail had to smile again. “Your hair looks fantastic.” Deca smiled brightly. “Why thank you for noticing… finally. Honestly though Hail it’s not my fault I project. Have you ever tried speaking underwater? If you want someone to hear you let alone understand you well you have to be loud.” With a shrug of her shoulders she settled onto a bench placed against the wall. “Enough about me though. What about you? How are you feeling? I almost stopped at the Healing Springs to get you a potion in case you fainted. You do look a little pale.” She laughed a sound not unlike the wind whispering through the trees.

Other Stories


Sharlene's Ballet Dreams
“Dress the part, feel the part, become the part”, she whispered to herself.

by spukl1


Sunrise and Darkness
Blowing on it, she filled the circle with warm and fiery light. She stepped back, examining the shimmering canvas before her. Satisfied, she threw it up toward the sky. Day broke over the Enchanted Forest.

Also by gameboyknight

by neptunely


A History of Daily Dare Prizes
I found it very interesting to look back at how daily prizes have evolved over each edition of the Daily Dare and thought it a fine idea to share my findings in this report. I have also chosen my favorite daily prize from each edition as an added bonus to this article! Now let us take a look back at the history of Daily Dare prizes.

by andrewo94


Typing Terror: Tips & Tricks
Below, I’ll go over the point system, level breakdown, and tips that will guarantee you those necessary 3,600 points for the avatar!

by butterflybandage


Hungry Ghoul
Your neopet is so yummy..

by mutualismo


Have a Very Groovy Chomby Day!
Just look at those dance moves!

by kittykrueger

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