Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,653,610 Issue: 783 | 26th day of Hunting, Y19
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword katietease

Week - 773

Illusen Obsessed!
by katietease
Description: Due to these enthusiastic fans, a whole niche has been carved out in the wearables community, fashions have been dedicated to Illusen. Let's take a deeper look at what is out there!

Week - 775

Cracking Eggs: A Guide To Grarrl Keno
by katietease
Description: Grarrl Keno is one of the easiest games to lose. The concept is fairly simple: there are 80 eggs on the board, only 10 will hatch, and it's your job to select which of those eggs will hatch.

Week - 778

Lutari in the Battledome
by katietease
Description: Lutari are fun-loving positive Neopets that love to play. They have a huge set of skills that have helped them adapt to life in two environments: land and water.

Week - 779

Book Shops Of Neopia
by katietease
Description: Even if your pet excels in brawn over brains, keeping them well rounded in all aspects will help them succeed. Let's get into where you can find these books

Week - 783

Preparing For The Altador Cup
by katietease
Description: Every year, Neopia is completely taken over by the largest phenomenon it has ever known. A sports competition of epic proportions. The Altador Cup.

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Diced a Roo
Well, does it?

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The Mystery Island Must Sees
My recent travels have taken me to many Neopian lands. From the Haunted Woods, to Meri Acres Farms, all the way to the Tyrannian Plateau. This go around, I wanted to head somewhere a little warmer with nice sandy beaches, thus I embarked on an ocean journey to Mystery Island to discover the must-sees.

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Our New Treasure
Slowly, while he tried to keep his latest find hidden behind his back, he turned around ever so slowly.

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A Day In The Life Of A Petpetsitter
Petpetsitter has tested my abilities and faith in time management (and my patience) to the very limit.

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I want to read ALL the books!
Well, maybe not ALL of them...

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