Meow Circulation: 194,653,610 Issue: 783 | 26th day of Hunting, Y19
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Continued Series

Haunted Woods Hero: Part Six

Varicose quests through The Haunted Woods to save his friend, Hugo. What wouldn't this MSPP do to get him back?

by lily_death
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"Mipsy's Charm Bracelet" by crazy_holly_ii
The mirror is broken again. At least it's not on fire, this time, although she can hear her parents having a Discussion in shouted whispers downstairs. To them, this is probably not much of an improvement. Ear to the door, she hears someone coming up the stairs. She races back to her bed and flops down onto it dramatically just as the door opens. "Mipsy?" her mother says. "Yeah?" "You're not in trouble, sweetheart," Mum says, taking a seat on the bed next to her, "but your dad and I are becoming a little concerned." "I can't help it!" she bursts out, close to tears. "I don't want to keep breaking things, or zapping frogs in the backyard, or -" "- I know," her mother says soothingly. "Dad's really mad, isn't he?" she says in a small voice. "Of course he isn't! You know we both love you." Mipsy takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm down as she lets herself believe that. Her mother takes to brushing her fur, a task Mipsy abandoned after the mirror accident. After she's finished, her mother says, "Why don't we start picking up some of the glass, hm? No reason to hurt yourself later." Leaving her mother to sweep up the tiniest pieces, Mipsy finds herself distracted with the larger ones. Her reflection in many of them is staggered and multiplied by the spiderwebbed cracks. It scares her, just a little bit. She has nightmares about much scarier things, sometimes. Mud monsters and evil wizards and the like.

Other Stories


The Nitri Cassale Interview
We’re here at the Neopian times again, interviewing your favorite Altador Cup stars. Last time we interviewed Coco Metrone and now today we’re doing a little piece on Nitri Cassale.

Also by hermionemagi and ilovemykitties12

by yashasvika


Do Kings Dream of Electric Jesters?
The hall was empty, a testament to the power of the king to clear a room whenever he needed to.

by emblo93


Quiguki Armageddon
All the way back in Y6, The Neopets Team decided to pull a prank of epic proportions and introduce a whole new style of Quiggle known as the Quiguki.

by auraphic


You've Mastered the Basics--Now What? Part 1
Now I want to share with Neopia some intermediate-level writing tips and guidelines, to help others give their short stories and story series even more life and impact.

by cosmicfire918


Playing Avatar Games! #1
I thought it was only potatoes!

Also by peshada

by fleohr


What A Coincidence: Altador Cup Edition
Well, at least sign-ups are coming...

by jjensen688

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