Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,727,314 Issue: 789 | 14th day of Swimming, Y19
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What A Coincidence

by jjensen688

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Neoquest 2 Puns
Puns with Velm

by happyinengland


Captain Karen: Part Six
It wasn’t long before he was better at replacing the rigging and maintaining the sails than Karen had been during her brief tenure as the ships maintenance guru. She was still unsure how to tell Thadius about her friendship with Melody.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert


Never Give Up- A Meerca Chase II Tale
You tell yourself, "I am going to conquer Meerca Chase II if it's the last thing I do on neo," and you sit down on your couch with a cup of water and your imaginary headband and you're ready to conquer it.

by babyspongy


isn't always the best policy...

by cardinally

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