Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,905,106 Issue: 805 | 10th day of Storing, Y19
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword midnight_spell360

Week - 713

The April Fool That Fooled Us All
by midnight_spell360
Description: My older (by only 1 day) and shorter ‘brother’, Harrund, a red Shoyru, and I were getting ready for our training when a female blue Aisha showed up, very unannounced, and seemed quite confused about being with us, too. “Who are you?” Harrund asked immediately.

Week - 805

The Neopet That Frightens Me the Most Painted Ghost
by midnight_spell360
Description: I mean the title speaks for itself...

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So that's why...
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