Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,326,035 Issue: 813 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y20
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword hottendott

Week - 517

Chasing Pixels: A Beginner’s Guide to Avatar Collecting
by hottendott
Description: A few things I have learned along the way in my adventures of avatar collecting.

Also by kreepyjess

Week - 600

The Events That Changed Neopia Forever: An Interview
by hottendott
Description: As we congratulate the Neopian Times on their 600th issue, please join us on a trip down Memory Lane. Needless to say, a lot has changed since Neopets saw the light of day on November 5, 1999.

Also by bewytched

Week - 613

Pippin Poogle's Pitiful Poogle Day Parade: An Interview
by hottendott
Description: "Welcome to Poogles on Parade Day. I'm Rene Reporter here with Pippin Poogle to talk about his adventures on this lovely day. So Pippin, have you had a good Poogle Parade today?"

Also by titian_starfire

Week - 662

Zombies Want Hugs Too!
by nightwish_faerie
Description: Poor Zombie feels left out! :P

Idea by hottendott

Week - 708

16 Ways Neopets Helps You Master "Real-World" Skills
by a_ramsell
Description: In honor of Neopets’ 16th birthday, we’ve compiled a list of 16 awesome aspects of that have taught us Neopians some useful things about the “real world,” as some like to call it. (Wait, what? There’s life outside of Neopets?)

Collaboration with hottendott

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Identity Crisis:Part Two
You mean you're devotedslothminion!?

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Waiting for him
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