Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 196,326,035 Issue: 813 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Artistic Liberties

Wait a minute...

by butterflybandage
The Thief

Some things just shouldn't be said.

by trishabeakens
Trouble in Paradise: Puns

Puns are great, but this can happen when you see too many...

by chasing_stars44
The Apothefaerie

Do we have enough potions now?

by rawbeee
A Matter of Marshmallow

Life isn't always candy for marshmallows.

by lepetitpoulet
Two Wockies and a Mootix!

Story and captions by Dortho

by hottendott
Guess the Character 5

Do you think you know everything about Neopia? Time to find out !

by dtrg
Walthram's New Spell

Ain't nobody got time to see your spells!

by unbridledlove
French Flies

For those with refined taste buds.

by bobtehcat1
Waiting for him

He WILL be back, right?!?

Also by cherie_nicole

by keruza

Fyora's Priorities

Wraiths terrify Faerieland and Fyora has some strategies to... well she has strategies for something at least.

by cattlemewls
Sloth's Lab Ray Accident

Dr. Sloth is a Sloth Sloth!?

by cool_zafara96
"Something" has happened...

He'll never know...

Also by itsbah.

by naama_mikeas

One Day Off

Being the Queen is very tiring you know!

by paperjeans
Self love is everything!

Be happy with what you are

Collab with outzpwn.

by millyhz

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"Identity Crisis:Part Two" by debbie1188
You mean you're devotedslothminion!?" No matter how he tried, Smaug just couldn't process this bit of information. Ted, the infamous devotedslothminion, was Lichen? How could this be? She'd been lying to everyone this whole time? But the depth of the deception! She'd seemed genuinely scared when she met Sloth at that party for Team Virtupets. She'd relied on Smaug for emotional support, or so he thought! When all that time she was secretly a minion? To think he stood up for her in front of the others! But who could fake being that terrified? The amount of intelligence and effort she must have put into her cover. He simply could not believe what he was seeing. "Smaug," said Lichen, her voice wobbling slightly with tension. "This is your little brother, DrSlothWannabe. Crazy, this is Smaug_of_Erebor, your big brother." The wild-eyed Moehog walked up to the startled Hissi. Smaug's first instinct was to back away, but he felt Lichen's hand at his back. If the gesture was supposed to comfort him, it wasn't working. "Have we met?" said Crazy, scanning Smaug's facial features with an invasive stare. "You used to be green, didn't you." "I – I don't think we have. Unless..." Smaug tried to think back. Lichen had bought that camouflage paintbrush shortly after his first ever trip to the Neolodge. They had met a young Moehog there near the end of their stay, noteworthy in that he seemed rather more interested than the average Neopet in hearing them talk about their owner. "You were Abe?" Crazy raised an eyebrow towards Lichen. "Told you, Ted."

Other Stories


Alice's Lab Results
My name is Alice, I’m a Snot Jubjub. I wasn’t always like this, I was once beautiful. Do you want to hear how I became like this? Ok, I’ll tell you.

by ashgann11


Grundonia, the Unknown Planet
Why every Grundo needs to be adopted? Here's the full story!

by hatsuomi


Recipe of the Week: Neggnog Cheesecake
Make Neggnog Cheesecake from the courtesy of your own kitchen!

by hauntinq


List of Petpets that closely resemble Neopets!
Hmm never noticed the resemblance...

by k3l26


Hitomi the Witch:Part Ten

by downrightdude


Identity Crisis:Part Two
You mean you're devotedslothminion!?

by debbie1188

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