Meow Circulation: 196,326,035 Issue: 813 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y20
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword milkshakes004

Week - 503

The Absence of Wings
by roboticc
Description: All she had ever wanted was to fly.

Also by milkshakes004

Week - 800

800 Steps
by milkshakes004
Description: How many steps will it take?

Week - 811

Elaine's Expedition
by milkshakes004
Description: The sky was on fire.

There was no denying that the sunsets from the dock of her home on Krawk Island were beautiful. Tonight’s display was a mix of pastel oranges and vibrant pinks – a view that could not be captured in a picture.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 812

Elaine's Expedition:Part Two
by milkshakes004
Description: Relief at the proximity of Mystery Island washed over her.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 813

Elaine's Expedition:Part Three
by milkshakes004
Description: Elaine and Jaycin had spent most of her first day trekking down the Western side of Mystery Island, exploring the novelties to be found at the Island Market and Trading Post. They had passed the Island Arena, where they had glimpsed a peek at the Tiki Tack Man preparing for a duel.

Also by afsheen_27

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10 Things to do with Your Neo BFF
Having a neo BFF is a great way to stay involved with everything that goes on in Neopia, as well as having someone to improve your account with along the way.

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Delicacies from Around Neopia!
With how different the places around Neopia are, their food items are also very different. With so many options from each land, it is a hard task to consider what to eat in Neopia.

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Elaine's Expedition:Part Three
Elaine and Jaycin had spent most of her first day trekking down the Western side of Mystery Island, exploring the novelties to be found at the Island Market and Trading Post. They had passed the Island Arena, where they had glimpsed a peek at the Tiki Tack Man preparing for a duel.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004


Hitomi the Witch:Part Ten

by downrightdude


Two Wockies and a Mootix!
Story and captions by Dortho

by hottendott

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