White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 196,326,035 Issue: 813 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Two Wockies and a Mootix!

by hottendott

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Delicacies from Around Neopia!
With how different the places around Neopia are, their food items are also very different. With so many options from each land, it is a hard task to consider what to eat in Neopia.

by starry_zafara


A Matter of Marshmallow
Life isn't always candy for marshmallows.

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Elaine's Expedition:Part Three
Elaine and Jaycin had spent most of her first day trekking down the Western side of Mystery Island, exploring the novelties to be found at the Island Market and Trading Post. They had passed the Island Arena, where they had glimpsed a peek at the Tiki Tack Man preparing for a duel.

Also by afsheen_27

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List of Petpets that closely resemble Neopets!
Hmm never noticed the resemblance...

by k3l26

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