There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 196,326,035 Issue: 813 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Sloth's Lab Ray Accident

by cool_zafara96

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Artistic Liberties
Wait a minute...

by butterflybandage


Mundo The Grundo vs The Alien Aishas
Up in the Virtupets Space Station, not much malicious happens these days. Especially with Dr. Sloth barely being present, except to drop off some Transmogrification Potions hoping to grow his futile army, there is not a lot of drama that strikes down on the local Grundo population living in orbit around Neopia.

by randmar


Smooch: The Top 5 Valentine Petpets!
Valentine’s Day is upon us and it’s no secret that every Neopian and every Neopet is excited for the possibility of the release of some new Valentine Petpets! Wait… What’s that? You didn’t even know that Valentine Petpets existed? Well… maybe that’s because there are currently only 11 different varieties of Valentine Petpets in Neopia

by rowdy420


List of Petpets that closely resemble Neopets!
Hmm never noticed the resemblance...

by k3l26

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