Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,012,398 Issue: 814 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y20
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword neko_purrr

Week - 809

How to make: Chokato crepes
by neko_purrr
Description: Now you can cook delicious crepes with some ingredients that you have surely have in your Safety Deposite Box :D

Week - 814

How to make: Chokato Toffee Apple
by neko_purrr
Description: Make this delicious and super healthy snack with some ingredients that you surely have ♥

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A Crumby Pun
So punny I can't handle it...

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A Paint Brush Guide
Choosing a paint brush to paint your Neopet can be a difficult and expensive choice (brushes can cost several million NPs!), and not every Paint Brush is available for every pet.

by myjudem


Sugar Squad: Delicious!
Just scrape off the black bits, it's completely edible.

by newenglandquizzer


Have you ever thought of how important the use of scrap items is in Neopia as a whole? Well we have and we certainly believe that they need more love than they currently receive. Scrap items don’t get as much praise as they should because they are taken for granted in most Neopian’s everyday life.

by water_park1993


Identity Crisis:Part Three
Lichen paused. Her pets looked up at her expectantly.

"I need a drink."

by debbie1188

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