There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,012,398 Issue: 814 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y20
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New Series

The Whispering Wail Sword

Most Neopians are not fully aware of what lies beneath Meridell Castle. Lost in the pages of dusty books in rotting libraries lies the truth most know only as an old faerie’s tale.

by purplehopper
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"Nabile of Qasala saves the Desert Scarabs" by restisunwritten
Her Petpet Anubis was barking uncharacteristically loudly from below. Nabile panicked, and nearly knocked over a golden wash basin filled with rose water, and a clay cosmetics jar of aloe cream. The hot, Lost Desert sun watched non-judgmentally from up above. Her handmaidens quickly rushed downstairs to see what was causing all of the commotion. The pink Ixi arose from underneath her outdoor canopy; the back of her sandals brushing lightly against the long hem of her linen dress. A familiar Lupe leaped up from behind a roof wall, and deftly landed on his feet before her. He chuckled apologetically, and brushed some desert sand off of his scruffy-looking leather vest. Nabile began to scold her old friend. "What are you doing here, Tomos?! Jazan would not permit you seeing me without his knowing." She said all this sternly while contradictorily feeding him some fresh figs, and honeyed dates rolled in crushed pistachios from a nearby spread. He wasn’t as enthusiastic as he usually was about free vittles, and held up his hand in weary refusal of the Sakhmetian food.

Other Stories


Nabile of Qasala saves the Desert Scarabs
:D Inspiried by Queen Esther

by restisunwritten


A Favor for Baelia
Ever since Tavi had helped her escape from Jennumara's magical cage, the Grey Faerie, Baelia, had gone to Faerie City to live under the protection of Queen Fyora...

Also by semmy_genius & kt_roo2

by xoxcharm


5 things to do AFTER you get your dream pet
So you have spent months or even years working hard to get that special pet that you have always dreamt of. You might have played thousand of games and lived your Neo life on a tight budget to save for that paint brush or morphing potion. Or you were constantly on the Neoboards, trying to trade for your “dreamie”.

by _mg


A Paint Brush Guide
Choosing a paint brush to paint your Neopet can be a difficult and expensive choice (brushes can cost several million NPs!), and not every Paint Brush is available for every pet.

by myjudem


The truth behind every regular neopian
Struggles of the neopian life...

This is a collaboration with the user Drabkin

by hatsuomi


Armed to the Teeth
I know I've been MIA, but it still feels like a kick in the teeth.

Also by minnesotan

by rooftopchicken

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