Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 195,115,046 Issue: 823 | 13th day of Eating, Y20
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A new background in the mall...

by littlegirlydude

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Just mutant things vol. 2
Fashion is hard when your body doesn't fit the standard.

by jacquelineramrez


Own Kind of Magic
“Icielle, pay attention!” She her mother call from the seats below. “You’re off-key!”

The young Aisha onstage muttered a quick apology, adjusted the grip on her violin, and started the measure again.

by amie_chan08


Random Oddness
Water Pets.

by mistyqee


A Humble Foot Soldier
This story is meant to show the battle from the perspective of my pet Isabell while in TWR army.

by princessnath_95

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