There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,115,046 Issue: 823 | 13th day of Eating, Y20
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Leave Room for the Impossible

Eliss hung the "closed" sign on the shop door, relieved the day was finally over. She was an assistant at the only furniture store in Tyrannia, and had been for as long as she could remember. It was boring, tedious work, but it allowed Ellis and her owner to decorate their Neohome for free, which she wasn't complaining about.

by unfogging
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"The "True" Story of the Vanishing Pound" by supergirl1057
As far as Dr. Death and Rose could tell, the entire incident must have been in the works since before the fall of Faerieland. They estimated over five hundred pound pets were involved in the greatest accident anyone could remember in all of the pound’s history. Some called it the worst thing to happen since the conversion, others touted it as the largest practical joke in Neopian history to date. I could go on and on explaining how what happen changed the course of time and made it into the history books. But that wouldn’t answer the real question you’re all wondering, which is how a mild mannered Red Kyrii like me ended up sitting in front of Dr. Death being blamed for the entire debacle. Well I can assure you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I had nothing to do with it at all. If I’m lying may Fyora kick me out of Neopia and force me to restart my life on Kreludor in a Grundo costume working in the Virtupets mines for all eternity. My owner given name is pretty pointless, it’s got no real meaning and no real consideration, but most of the pets in the pound called me Sweetie. I was part of the large collective of pets that were considered "stuck" in the pound. Thanks to some great workings of cosmic forces, I did not get a chance to be noticed by owners. I didn’t even show up on most of their radars, which is a shame for them, honestly. Everyone should be excited to meet me, I’m a downright joy.

Other Stories


A Humble Foot Soldier
This story is meant to show the battle from the perspective of my pet Isabell while in TWR army.

by princessnath_95


Own Kind of Magic
“Icielle, pay attention!” She her mother call from the seats below. “You’re off-key!”

The young Aisha onstage muttered a quick apology, adjusted the grip on her violin, and started the measure again.

by amie_chan08


Quiz: What Cheese Are You?
We all know the drill. You should be pricing your shop stock, cleaning out your inventory, or playing Pyramids to earn that elusive trophy. Instead, you're wasting time reading the Neoboards, browsing articles in the Neopian Times, hanging around the Art Gallery - anything to put off your chores. And then you spot it - the perfect time-waster! It's a quiz called... what cheese are you?!

by ohsounicornly


Rediscover Faerieland In a Day
Although Faerieland was once voted the Best Place to Live, the number of visitors to the city and its surrounding lands decreased considerably after parts of Faerieland were destroyed during the Wraith Resurgence. However, all Neopians worked hard to rebuild Faerieland over the months, and after this year’s Charity Corner event, the donations from Neopians far and wide helped restore Faerieland to its formal glory, just in time for spring! Consequently, we decided to create an itinerary to help boost Faerieland’s tourism and to guide our readers through the best parts of Faerieland and how to make the most of it in a day.

In collaboration with lauren92_k

by mel_liew_ming_li


Random Oddness
Water Pets.

by mistyqee


Contrast: Dinner Time
Talk about poor table manners!

by jojomoonless

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