Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,205,513 Issue: 832 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y20
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword mimitchi880

Week - 832

A Trek With Team Lost Cause
by mimitchi880
Description: Sometimes team spirit is a little like a scorched chomato.

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Great stories!


I told you we should have moved by the Altador Cup

by canepa_diego


Summer Vacation: Mystery Island Edition!
Summertime is in full swing in Neopia! Neopians are out and about in Neopia enjoying the warmer weather before Autumn comes again. Many Neopians like to venture to Mystery Island to take in the warm weather. They enjoy the white sands, clear water, the scenery, and the exquisite tropical foods only found on Mystery Island!

Also by seanman1224

by indebtedness


Finding your inner Yooyu
The yooyu is an altadorian petpet and more than that, it is a symbol of the Altador Cup. Besides that, It is the star of Yooyuball, the game in which the petpet becomes a ball and the players need to catch it to score a goal.

Also by millyhz

by naama_mikeas


Ten Cutest Trophies in Neopia, and How to Earn Them
There are many, many cute items all over Neopia but we wanted to focus our attention on something that's a little overlooked: cute trophies! In this article, we will go over our picks of trophies we've found that made us go "aww", as well as include a few tips that might help you earn these adorable trophies for yourself!

by sugarxcoma


Th reason ths part of the year is not good
My pets don't like the Altador Cup, that's why we never achieve a good rank, and no good prizes :'(

by itsume_tao

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