Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,205,513 Issue: 832 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y20
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Short Stories

The Love of Fans

Please be a Fire Yooyuball or a normal one, those are the best for a quick goal. The Yooyuball rose into sight...

by brokensilent
A Trek With Team Lost Cause

Sometimes team spirit is a little like a scorched chomato.

by mimitchi880
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The Altador Cup: Two Yooyus' Perspectives

We’ve all read countless press releases, interviews, and news blurbs about the ongoing Altador Cup, and it is hard not to get swept up in all the excitement! But I am here to provide you with the perspective and opinions that no one else has sought after: the Yooyus themselves. Here with me are Alfie, a Darigan Yooyu, and Genevieve, a fire Yooyu. I’m going to dig down deep and get to the heart of Yooyuball itself: the Yooyus. NT: Good morning guys! How are you? Alfie: Good morning. A bit sore, honestly. We train all year for this, and you think you’re prepared, but once it starts you realize just how grueling it is!
 Ouch. Sorry to hear that. So tell me more about this training. I’ve never heard of it. Alfie: Well, just like the team players, we have to be ready to bring our A games when the cup rolls around.

Other Stories


The Altador Cup: Two Yooyus' Perspectives
We’ve all read countless press releases, interviews, and news blurbs about the ongoing Altador Cup, and it is hard not to get swept up in all the excitement! But I am here to provide you with the perspective and opinions that no one else has sought after: the yooyus themselves.

by lostmyacct


Comet's Guide to Faerie Bubbles
Hey, it's comet_rider2000, but you can call me Comet. Those who know me know that I used bubble-like portals to manipulate space and time! Well, one of the ways I keep my bubble abilities sharp is a game called Faerie Bubbles. It is a fun, but challenging game to play. I've gotten pretty good at it... I mean, all things considered..

by scechoi


Neovia's Corruption:Part Three
The rulers of Altador finally reached the famous town of Neovia. Thick fog slowly rolled through the deserted town, sending haunting vibes all around. It made both Altador and Nera uncomfortable. Only the sound of their footsteps filled the air. The silence had grown unbearable for the both of them.

by trishabeakens


True Beauty
Thank you Kitty for letting me use you and Tytono in my little story :)! And thanks to my neopets as well!

by kiki587695


Altador Cup Goalie Problems
It's hard to be a Goalie in the AC.. Idea by pisces_babe_

by hotredfirefaerie


A Total Flop
My cup runneth over in all the wrong ways.

(also by minnesotan)

by rooftopchicken

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