Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 195,327,629 Issue: 841 | 28th day of Gathering, Y20
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword lennifer_jennifer2

Week - 832

Sketchy - Altador Cup
by lennifer_jennifer2
Description: Yooyu + Ball = ???

Week - 835

Sketchy - Stamp Avatars
by lennifer_jennifer2
Description: More. Stamp. Avatars.

Week - 841

Sketchy - Change Up
by lennifer_jennifer2
Description: Fresh new look!

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Flupeh Things
A lupe's self care routine

by flupeh


The Actual Count Von Roo
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Neopets Quiz: Month of Gathering Edition
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by hollywoodshowbox


What the Altadorian Constellations Mean for You -3/3
Welcome to the third and final installment of “What Altadorian Constellations Mean for You.” Thank you to those of you who have stuck by me during the first two volumes. I hope you will find this final piece worth the wait.

by kayahtik


10 Avocado Items for the Avocado Lover!
Ah, the avocado. A green fruit containing a single, large pit. It is apparently a type of berry, but for the sake of things, we'll just call it a fruit. The flavor of the avocado is rather difficult to describe. Not exactly sweet, but not quite savory either... the avocado is truly the most unique fruit. From various foods, to beauty products, to other oddities, the avocado is a very diverse fruit that deserves to be celebrated!

by sparkgal

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