teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,354,468 Issue: 845 | 26th day of Collecting, Y20
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword smoothie_king_xiii

Week - 843

Bori-Tastic Recipes
by smoothie_king_xiii
Description: Are you ready for some Bori-tastic recipes to celebrate Bori Day this weekend? That's what I thought! It is that time of year where we get to reminisce on the awakening of the Boris, which were once buried deep under the ice in Terror Mountain. Oh, you haven't heard that story yet? Let's jump into that first, for some context:

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8 Spooky Foods to Pack to Your Halloween Picnic
It’s the time of the year again - when the skies set a few hues darker and the air feels heavier as ghosts and ghouls come out to roam the streets of Neopia. Yes, it’s time for Halloween!

Also written by tsiegred & lookidontcare3

by breakeven


The Top 10 Neopets Halloween Paint Brush Costumes
Halloween is upon us!! My favorite holiday!! With that comes one of the most popular paint brush colours of all time: Halloween!

by smoothie_king_xiii


A Guide to the Neopian Halloween!
Aw yes, October 31st. Halloween is here again. The season everyone loves to love! Is it because of the spookiness? Is it because of all the candy related activities? Is it the possibility of dressing up as one of your favorite characters? Or, perhaps, is it all of it together? Well, either way, year by year, we all want to take the most out of this special and unique day, since it comes and goes by so fast.

by rafa_potter


Hello Fellow Traveler:Part Four
Later that night, all the Neopians of the growing community came together to put up the festival decorations. Small stalls that sold food, items, and had games appeared all around the area. Dark red ribbons hung from trees and torches were placed down the paths to light the way. Dozens of flowers were placed along the ribbons, letting petals float through the air. Some Neopians carved instruments out of spare wood, and started playing music.

by trishabeakens


Brain Tree’s origin.
The questions of this enigmatic tree have been answered by many neopians but…how did it turn into a brain tree? Here’s the story:

by jacquelineramrez

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