Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,492,597 Issue: 855 | 8th day of Awakening, Y21
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword krawkedattitude

Week - 846

Conquering The Castle Of Eliv Thade
by krawkedattitude
Description: Are you whacky about words? Do you love the scarier side of Neopets? Do you dream of being locked away in the castle of an evil Kacheek, trying to solve anagrams to escape and save your own life? The Castle of Eliv Thade is the game for you!

Week - 848

The History of Battledome Challengers, Part 1
by krawkedattitude
Description: For many of us a trip to the Battledome has become one of our dailies. It is a great way to win items ranging from books to nerkmids, getting more codestones for training, or countless other item types. There are a ton of different challengers for us to fight, with difficulty ranging from easy peasy to near impossible to fight without the strongest pets.

Week - 854

The History of Battledome Challengers, Part 2
by krawkedattitude
Description: In the last edition of "The History of Battledome Challengers", we dove head first into the background stories of five different challengers. This is a series all about getting to know those that we come up against either every day in the Battledome, or those we rarely ever challenge because we don't have the strength or their rewards aren't great enough.

Week - 855

The History of Battledome Challengers, Part 3
by krawkedattitude
Description: In the last edition of "The History of Battledome Challengers", we brought in five new challengers to discuss. Making a total of ten challengers that we've broken down the history of so far. Every week, for five weeks total, I'll be here breaking down a selection of Battledome challengers for you to learn about. Maybe you will end up more inspired to take down some of the worst foes imaginable, as an extra slap in the face to them for trying to destroy Neopia. Or you will just want to practice with them to get stronger for the next mini-plot!

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