For an easier life Circulation: 195,492,597 Issue: 855 | 8th day of Awakening, Y21
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The Treasure of Smuggler's Cove

Clyf, a pirate Krawk, laughed heartily, taking another swig of grog. His face was flushed with happiness. Him and his crew were sitting at The Golden Dubloon, basking in the glory of another day of piracy.

by unfogging
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"The Quest to 75" by lissiwciorka
Eroberi opened the door to her trophy case and looked at her trophies, fondly remembering the frustrations and triumphs they gave her. The Dice Escape trophy and her struggles to get the platform even working, let alone get enough for the avatar and the trophy. The Grand Theft Ummagine trophy, with its guards and water traps galore. She looked especially fondly at her gilded Kadoatie likeness, remembering how long it took her to learn about those hungry, baka kads…. ♡♡♡♡ Mewling Kadoaties called a young Eroberi as they begged for food. She frantically tried to find the Kadoatie Biscuits they wanted to be satisfied. She kept on going back to the Shop Wizard in vain until he refused to let her even peruse through the markets anymore. “Whoa there, too many searches!” he declared. “Try again at the top of the hour. ”The Fresh Foods shop always seemed to be empty or full of run of the mill items that she hated. Even the Trading Post never had the biscuits she needed, and if by chance one popped up, the user was asking an exorbitant price. Eroberi let out a frustrated sigh, wondering how she would ever feed 75 Kadoaties for the beautiful trophy and avatar.

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The Quest to 75
Eroberi opened the door to her trophy case and looked at her trophies, fondly remembering the frustrations and triumphs they gave her.

written with noitalletsnoc

by lissiwciorka


The Parable of the Techo Master
We all have heard of the Techo Master. Over the years, many students have been in awe of his ability to levitate in addition to his seemingly infinite knowledge of the fighting arts. And in turn, many students have left the dojo out of frustration, even after having paid the codestones needed to train.

by nolsterbuckr


The History of Battledome Challengers, Part 3
In the last edition of "The History of Battledome Challengers", we brought in five new challengers to discuss. Making a total of ten challengers that we've broken down the history of so far. Every week, for five weeks total, I'll be here breaking down a selection of Battledome challengers for you to learn about. Maybe you will end up more inspired to take down some of the worst foes imaginable, as an extra slap in the face to them for trying to destroy Neopia. Or you will just want to practice with them to get stronger for the next mini-plot!

by krawkedattitude


Getting Help On Your Faerie Quest!
We've all been there, browsing the site or playing our hundredth game of Pyramids trying to win two in a row, when a generous faerie swoops down and gives us a quest to complete! It's so nice of her to offer, and you really want to complete it, but when you run over to the Shop Wizard to find your item he tells you he can't help you!? What!?!? That's right, when you receive a faerie quest you are not able to search for the item on the Shop Wizard, or even the Super Shop Wizard. You'll have to work a little harder to obtain that item, but it is worth the effort.

by pixeldream


Tombola Prizes
Are you really really sure?

by bobtehcat1


The Hungry Thief
Missing food? That's what I call a drama show!

by bojackh_

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