Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,538,719 Issue: 860 | 25th day of Running, Y21
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword _gizmo_stern_

Week - 843

My Branches
by _gizmo_stern_

Week - 846

by _gizmo_stern_
Description: i'm listening..

Week - 847

by _gizmo_stern_
Description: Don't question it just embrace it.

Week - 855

Smashing addition to any ensemble
by _gizmo_stern_
Description: perfect!

Week - 859

An Alternative Cure?
by _gizmo_stern_
Description: are you sure...

Week - 859

Balthazar Starter Pack
by _gizmo_stern_
Description: How to become Balthazar!

Week - 860

Don't mess with me
by _gizmo_stern_
Description: lookie here..

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Lags for Days
An ode to our days of lags.

Collaborated with fellow neopian Taluse.

by kiwigoddesskimmie


Isolde and the Faerie Statue:Part Two
She found herself in a wood dense with trees. Most of their leaves had fallen off. Was it winter? No, it couldn’t be, she thought, because it felt so warm. Their branches stretched every which way and made a lattice under the sky through which you could make out little triangles of a faint purple sky. But, while Isolde was looking around, the sky rapidly began getting darker and transformed from a pale mauve to a deep black, so thick and opaque that she could hardly see the trees anymore. The clouds rolled across the sky rapidly, perhaps a little too rapidly and too close to the ground to be natural. Were those clouds, actually? She smelled the air. There was no doubting it—it was smoke.

also written by anachronisms

by tsiegred


Don't mess with me
lookie here..

by _gizmo_stern_


Shadow Play:Part Five
The sun was setting somewhere behind the clouds when Terra and her family stepped out of Defenders HQ. The Defenders had said earlier that they would not prohibit their wards from leaving the building, but warned that Vile was most likely looking for them.

by cosmicfire918


Searching a place:Part Seven
Chapter 7. A Coup of Luck, Kreludor and The Mountain of Terror.

Also by acespades1, charliews & hits

by nacil30

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