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Ugga 10 Tyrannia ugga-ugg! (Top 10 Tyrannian Foods!)

by girlwithluv


     As Neopia celebrates Tyrannian Victory Day, it seemed only fitting to present to Neopians everywhere a carefully curated list of the best ten foods of that Tyrannia has to offer. Known for using the environment to their advantage when cooking, Tyrannian food can be simple yet hearty in style. We wanted to celebrate this land by taste-testing a selection of the best Tyrannian food and then placing them in a Top 10 accordingly.

     A brief history of Tyrannian food:

     The ancient landscape of Tyrannia has long been the influence in its cuisine, with strange fruits and vegetables of the Jungle adding unusual flavours to the most basic of dishes. In contrast, the dry, flat landscape of the Plateau is made entirely of rock, which is a key ingredient used in many Tyrannian dishes. We hope that there will be something in this article that peaks your curiosity and tempts you into trying something from this wonderful Neopian land. So without further ado, feast your eyes on our ten favourite bites below!


     Number 10: Primordial Stew

     This dish is known as a favourite among many of the natives to Tyrannia. Although the average Neopian is

     not aware of what it contains, there are several elements that make it tasty and nutritious. A delicacy, this dish boasts a rarity of 98 and is a gourmet food. It is by far the most expensive item on our list, averaging between 130-200,000 NP.


     Number 9: Fried Trilo Bites

     A famous Tyrannian snack, the Trilo Bite has become synonymous with Tyrannian living. Trilos can be found on the ocean floor. Caught by Tyrannian fisherman, they are then either boiled or fried to create a tasty, wholesome snack. More of a Tyrannian street food, Fried Trilo Bites will cost you around 100-500 NP. Be warned: the taste may leave you wanting more and more!


     Number 8: Pickled Keno Eggs

     Now, we were unable to confirm at the time of publication whether these eggs were actually taken from the Keno nest, or are just incredibily similar to those hatched by the Red Mother Grarrl. Regardless of their origin, Pickled Keno Eggs are revered in Tyrannian cuisine. In fact, eggs as a whole make their way into many Tyrannian dishes, as this list will demonstrate. This pickled variety will set you back 100-200 NP.


     Number 7: Tyrannian Salad

     The Tyrannian Salad is the product of something that I mentioned earlier: use of the environment in order to create good food. The salad is comprised of anything that can be found nearby, which includes many of Tyrannia's native vegetables. Highlights of this salad include the unusual flavour combination of the Cactopus, Bud Bud and Citrusquash Fruit. A full Tyrannian Salad will set you back 100-200 NP.


     Number 6: Gummy Grensa

     A sweet addition to our list! The Gummy Grensa is a candy-like sweet that is popular with the younger generation in Tyrannia. If you look hard enough, the shape of the Gummy Grensa is very similar to the native Chomby. It's bright green colour is pleasant yet eye-catching. These sweets will cost you roughly 100-150 NP each. The perfect gift for your Baby Neopets!


     Number 5: Stuffed Dorkle Pepper

     Another street-style food makes its way onto our list, this time in the shape of the Dorkle Pepper. Usually these peppers have a rather bitter taste to them, however the Tyrannians were quick to notice and have turned the taste on its head. By stuffing the Dorkle Pepper with cheese and rice, they have created a rather marvelous snack, and one that will cost you no more than 250-300 NP to try!


     Number 4: Hut of Mashed Potatoes

     Perhaps an unusual choice as there is nothing to this dish but mashed potato, it was hard to overlook its cute nature and wonderful presentation. Shaped lovingly into a hut to echo the scenes from ancient village in the jungle, this dish is included in the Gourmet Club list with a rarity of 92. 11-11,500 NP is how much you can expect to pay out for this scrumptious potato dish.


     Number 3: Pteri Soup

     A charming soup with heartwarming flavour, and the best part about this dish is that it is served to you in a wonderfully carved stone bowl. Pteri Soup is also a gourmet food, with a rarity of 92. Not as expensive as the previous gourmet mentioned in this list, it will still cost you a pretty sum of 12,000 NP.


     Number 2: Chomby Head Cupcake

     The second sweet included in our list is also our personal favourite. This charming cupcake has been fashioned into the shape of a Chomby head, to pay homage to Tyrannia's most famous species. The chocolate flavour is fabulously complimented by the touch of cream on top. This cute Chomby will cost you 150-200 NP.


     Number 1: Omelette (any flavour)

     Our final dish, and perhaps not surprisingly taking the Number 1 spot is the Omelette. If Tyrannia was famous for anything among Neopians above all else, it would have to be the Giant Omelette that fries nicely on the hot stone of the Plateau. Available in a huge number of flavours, most notably Honey Blossom and Hot Tyrannian Pepper, the Omelette has become a staple of many Neopets' diets, not just those who call Tyrannia their home. Slices of the Omelette vary in price, however if you are lucky and not particularly fussy with flavours, you are able to take a slice from the Giant Omelette for free.

     To try one of each item from this list, it will cost you a total of around 154,000-226,000 NP.

     And so concluded our list of ten mouthwatering Tyrannian dishes and snacks to sink your teeth/fangs into! We hope that this list has opened your eyes to some of the wonderful foods available in Tyrannia, and perhaps

     encouraged you to try something new.

     So in the words of the locals: Ugga ugg-ugg Tyrannia ug-ugga! (Happy Tyrannian Victory Day!)

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