Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,602,701 Issue: 866 | 24th day of Hunting, Y21
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The Little Hoover

All the NC/NP items used can be found on Neopia NC/NP

by fluffalspike
First Meeting (Part 2/4)

It's Aurrick!

by neo111186
Digivices Quest for Avatars! Chapter 1

Digivices debut in a comic all about him!

by liligants
Charity Corner 2019 In a Nutshell

just one more...

Also by devilpersian_vegeta

by nayana852

The un-egg-spected


by seluker406
Dinner with the Scarlets: Living with Less Method

Learning to live with less… less common sense, that is.

by june_scarlet
Head in the Clouds: Charity Corner

Yes. This actually happened.

by yoshisislandbandit
Something Has Happened! - Rude Moods

Walking in Neopia is a safety hazard.

by temiree
Pile o' Bones: Sleepy

seriously stop...

by cassanthia
Kass Basher: Special level Unlocked!

Who said unlocking the special level was rewarding? (

Written by: kaizen_boi and Art by: iggy___koopa

by kaizen_boi

Keep Calm and Kyrii on: Blunder Years

Her memories are a bit Fuzio.

by ahnyo

Welp there goes that

Also by mewemy

by marsbarss

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"Tekkal Trouble: The Petpet Detective Book 3 " by pedigree_chump666
It had been several weeks since the Altador Cup had finished, and Estebon was still in Fire Yooyu form following a stint filling in for the usual petpet after its flames had been doused when an over enthusiastic Kiko Lake player had launched it into the surrounding waters. Estebon was the only petpet in existence that could choose his form at the petpet laboratory, so long as his cause was noble, and saving the Altador Cup from disaster certainly fit that description. Today the Kookith at the petpet lab ray was back from his holiday, so Estebon could at last return to his original form, something that he had been desperate to do since the Cup had ended. Too much fame and admiration came with this Yooyu form, and everywhere he went he was being congratulated for his performance and asked for autographs and expected to pose for photographs.

Other Stories


Tekkal Trouble: The Petpet Detective Book 3
It had been several weeks since the Altador Cup had finished, and Estebon was still in Fire Yooyu form following a stint filling in for the usual petpet after its flames had been doused when an over enthusiastic Kiko Lake player had launched it into the surrounding waters.

by pedigree_chump666


To Make a Serious King Laugh
Our story begins with Wyvve the White Draik, who was one of the prestigious knights for the honorable and intelligent King Hagan of Brightvale, as well as one of Hagan's favorite soldiers.

by fairy_350


Ugga 10 Tyrannia ugga-ugg! (Top 10 Tyrannian Foods!)
A charming list of the best foods and snacks to enjoy when celebrating Tyrannian Victory Day!

by girlwithluv


A Battle Cry For Tyrannian Victory Day
A long, long time ago, in the undocumented times of our beloved planet, a massive earthquake devastated northern Neopia isolating a very dry and large sandstone plateau and a dense jungle of sweltering heat from the rest of planet.

by lolinlucy


Shadow Play:Part Eleven
A dim purple light appeared in Zoltan’s paw, faintly illuminating everyone’s faces, but past that was only an abyss. Terra looked around in confusion.

by cosmicfire918


Laurel:Part Four
As Laurel entered the Lost Desert she was swarmed by bugs. Laurel wasn't watching where she was going as she was swatting a bug away and knocked Max the Desert Krawk to the ground.

also by beckykbrooks

by applefaerie99

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