Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,635,439 Issue: 869 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y21
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It's Just a Game

by vicunas


     I’m telling you right now, Roo Island is going to win the whole thing. the bespeckled Orange Blumaroo wrote in her neomail. The Roo Island native sent the message to her friend Jia, who across Neopia in Shenkuu. While waiting for Jia’s reply, Kiri bit into a piece of kiwi; lost in thought about what plays the team could possibly do. Finally done daydreaming and snacking, Kiri discovered Jia already responded. Dude, no way. Shenkuu got second place their first cup, they have been training and now they have to do better so Timu can show the rest of Altador she is just as good as them. I’m confident we’re winning this year. Kiri considered this, but she knew in reality Roo Island was going to wipe the floor with Shenkuu better than the Yurble Janitor in the Hall of Heroes. You know what would be cool..., Kiri began to type, if we could go see the Shenkuu verses Roo Island game together this year. Though the idea sounded far fetched, Kiri wanted nothing more than to see a real live game at the Altador Cup and to meet her best friend from Shenkuu. She first met the Spotted Lupe last year on the Altador Cup boards. Since they acknowledged each other, they found out they both liked the same music (Yes Boy Ice-Cream was an agreed favorite) but did not share a favorite game (Jia was more a Turmac Roll fan while Kiri was a Hasee Bounce fanatic). Despite their differences, they enjoyed each other’s company and became fast friends.

      As soon as Jia saw the suggestion she knew this had to happen. She checked her account at the National Neopian and noted that she had enough neopoints to spare. Without hesitation she messaged back I can do that, it’s scheduled for the 10th of Relaxing right? Once Kiri saw her answer, she checked and clarified. If she played a bunch of games, for the next few weeks, and stopped herself from feeding a few miserable looking Kadoaties, she would be able to afford a ticket. The two decided that they should buy their tickets right away and that they would meet in front of the gates of the colosseum in order to sit together. In a few short weeks the two best friends would be meeting each other for the first time and cheering on their favorite teams. Kiri looked up from her messaging app and stared out the window of her neohome that was perched on top of a hill. She grinned with excitement, waiting for the day to see Jia.


      Finally, the day came. Kiri walked towards the colosseum searching for the Spotted Lupe. According to her last message, she would be wearing a Ornamental Shenkuu Headband and a Shenkuu Team Scarf to show team pride (Jia thought the headband really brought the color out of her eyes), while Kiri herself was wearing her usual Black Square Glasses and her favorite article of clothing: a Vintage Roo Island Altador Cup Jersey. As excited as Kiri was, she was very anxious What if Jia doesn’t like me? Or I’m not as cool and interesting as I come off when we’re chatting on the boards? What if she ditches me? The questions began to stack up and Kiri began to feel worse and worse. Just as the Blumaroo was about to call it quits, she got tapped on the shoulder. “Excuse me,” a very sweet voice began, Kiri turned around and in front of her was a Spotted Lupe with a huge smile on her face. As soon as they made eye contact smiles grew on their faces and then the biggest hug came from Kiri. “I was afraid you weren’t going to show up!” Kiri exclaimed while laughing off the thought. “I can’t believe I even doubted you showing up!” she confessed. Jia nodded, understanding.

          The duo began to walk towards the doors of the colosseum talking about their trips to Altador and what they had already experienced. Jia loved seeing the Hall of Heros with her parents, and Kiri in detail talked about how she and her Dad had to be turned away from the tour guide at the Perfectly Flat Rock Quarry for asking too many questions.

     While chatting, they found the perfect seats. There were no crazed fans surrounding them, the sun was shining, the temperature was not too hot or cold, and their seats were high enough to see the whole field with ease. Both could not wait with time, the talking of fans became screaming and chants as Tobias Sigmir and Hovri Sweet, the official Altador Cup Commentators, came to their seats. “Good afternoon,” boomed the voice of the Horvi over the loudspeakers. “It’s the tenth of Relaxing, you know what that means,” he finished. “It’s time time for the Roo Island vs. Shenkuu game!” Tobias chimed in. The two girls screamed with joy like they never had before. From across the field, the Techo Fanatic was screaming his head off doing what he did best. Jia and Kiri’s screams instantly became laughter as soon as they noticed him. Once their laughter died down, Jia narrowed her eyes and hissed “Roo Island is going down.” Kiri snorted and replied, “In your dreams.”

      “Now, announcing Roo Island,” the Tobias began. “The fastest Pteri in the game, your goalkeeper, Clutch Billaban!” Trading off the microphone, Horvi followed with “Make sure to watch the left, because Jair Tollet is tonight’s super star left forward!” Tobias leaned into his microphone and said “Don’t let her size fool you, right behind her, the left defender, Fenny Vall!” The Red Grarrl poked his tongue out and began to speak, “And don’t forget the rookie: Squeaky Tressif!” Together, the announcers then said “And your captain and right forward, Lilo Blumario!” The crowd erupted with screams, including Kiri, her clapping and hooting almost rivaled the Techo Fanatic. Jia just smiled and clapped thinking to herself, Just you wait. Much gusto was met as well for Shenkuu when the announcers presented the team’s roster. With just as much enthusiasm, Jia screamed and clapped for Shenkuu. When she sat back down in the stands, she smirked at Kiri to say that she knew for a fact her team was going to win.

      The crowd got eerily quiet waiting for the yooyu to turn up. Without hesitation, the middle of the field opened up, revealing a fire yooyu; in a blink of an eye, the game began. As soon as the yooyu was in play the commentators started, “Lilo grabs the yooyu first, running up the field, but getting too hot the yooyu launches out of his hand!” Horvi took a sip of water while the Tobias took on the announcing. “Timu of Shenkuu showing off her good guarding, running the opposite way and speeding up in an attempt to beat the heat of the ball. Is she going to go for it? Here it is folks, she shoots.... She scores!” Half of the crowd screamed with joy while the others let out boos. Jia jumped up with the same excitement she felt when Shenkuu was first announced “In your face!” she shouted pointing at Kiri. Kiri knew it was all in good fun and chuckled, planning her victory dance in her head and waiting to use it when Roo Island scored. After the cheering died down the next yooyu was shown— this time a Dargarian yooyu popped out. The crowd had very mixed reactions. Some groaned while others screamed with glee.

          Right off the bat, Mirsha Grelinek grabbed the yooyu showing no fear at all. Managing to run through the defenders of Roo Island, Fenny Vail and Squeaky Tressif, Mirsha hurdled the yooyu and it went backwards. Kiri laughed at the recent turn of events. Right behind Mirsha, Antola Maeir picked up the fallen yooyu and in a desperate attempt to score a point, used all his force and thrust the ball towards the goal. The yooyu, of course, had other plans and went backwards so quickly from the force behind the ball made it land in the Shenkuu goal. Roo Island scored a point without lifting a finger! Kiri stood up, looked Jia in the eye and proclaimed, “Excuse me, I have a victory dance to do.” She began to wiggle her arms and danced in a few circles with a smug grin on her face. Kiri harrumphed in response, but after watching the dance a little more the Lupe began to smile, realizing that it was just a game, after all.

      By the time the final yooyu showed itself— a normal yooyu, there was only a minute left on the clock. Frantically, Mirsha and Jair Tollet fought for the yooyu. In fact, the whole team kept battling for the ball. Every time a pass was made, it was intercepted by the opposing team. This might be the best game I’ve ever seen, Kiri thought to herself. The clock ticked down to ten seconds left. The crowd watched the game from the edge of their seat in horror. With three seconds left, Lilo Blumario grabbed the yooyu and made a run for it. At one second left, he threw the ball as Jia asked Fyora to hear her out and not let Lilo score. Kiri sat next to her, asking Fyora to let him score. All of the Shenkuu players, Mirsha Grelinek, Timu, Antola Maeir, Larcy Phu, and their goalkeeper Xana DiLanche, dove for the ball. Dust rose up all around the Shenkuu team and the lone Roo Island player. The timer buzzed and the dust rose. There, in Xana’s hands was the yooyu. The goal was saved, it was a draw! Everybody became very confused and were not sure if they should be cheering or groaning. “Well folks,” Tobias began, “this one is for the record books!” Horvi Grarrl nodded in agreement. “Watch out for the next Shenkuu versus Roo Island game to see who the true victor is.” At the same time, the commentators said their last line of the night: “From Altador to you, have a good night!” As this was being said the fans surrounding Jia and Kiri began to stand and leave; the two friends faced each other smiling, absorbing everything that happened. “That was crazy,” Jia remarked. Kiri agreed and together they began to walk out of the colosseum. As the sun beat on their backs, the friends walked side by side planning to meet up for the next Shenkuu versus Roo Island game.

      The End.

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