Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,635,439 Issue: 869 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y21
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Continued Series

The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Three

It was not in Jacenty’s style to be flashy; he couldn’t afford to be.

by blueys45
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"Varanna" by 579201&issue=869
A tiny babith born just two months ago was making her way to Shenkuu. Ever since the day after she was born she had felt a pull in her heart. Her mother and siblings didn’t seem to know what she was feeling and she stopped trying to explain when she began getting strange looks. Her mother explained the world around them and told them getting painted was one of the best rewards an owner could bestow upon a petpet. Mother was painted Christmas which was nice, the lights twinkled when she smiled and the warmth they gave off was soothing. Percet, a fiery Scorchio, was flying toward Shenkuu. A backpack filled with all his belongings was strapped to his back. He let out a breath of steamy air before descending. He had an appointment to meet with the shop owner of Fanciful Fauna and perhaps obtain employment there. Percet had always been a dreamer, coming up with dozens of ways to earn neopoints but somehow through no fault of his own, his plans always fizzled and he remained broke; usually hungry and broke. Why was it so hard to make a few neopoints?Entering the shop, Percet smiled as he gazed at the various petpets. There were plenty of Dandans, Biyakos, and Jumas frolicking around. He even glimpsed a majestic looking Quilin. He would love working here.

Other Stories


It's Just a Game
I’m telling you right now, Roo Island is going to win the whole thing.

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A (never)ending quest in space
With his head down and a sad look in his eyes, Gorix wandered around the Space Station... He felt desolated, as he managed to collect almost all of the coins on the Space Station Coins page of his stamps album… almost all of them.

collaboration: _annefrank_

by joaozanatto


Customization Spotlights: Enter Now!
Do you consider yourself a Queen or King of Customization? Do you enjoy dressing up your pets in the most lavish outfits, always paying attention to the newest additions to the NC Mall?

by aleu1986


Interviewing Aldric Beign, Moltara's Beloved Captain
It's 11pm, and I'm waiting at Exquisite Ambrosia to have dinner with Aldric Beign.

by mostlyharmless1998


are ya sure you wanna do that?

by aweber


This joke is bananas
feelin fruity?

In collaboration with coldecember

by _kougra_rules_

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