For an easier life Circulation: 195,635,439 Issue: 869 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y21
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A (never)ending quest in space

by joaozanatto


     With his head down and a sad look in his eyes, Gorix wandered around the Space Station... He felt desolated, as he managed to collect almost all of the coins on the Space Station Coins page of his stamps album… almost all of them. One coin was still missing, the most precious one, which he had never even heard of being found by anyone in whole space. Completing this collection was one of the greater dreams of the resistance hero since his childhood times with Parlax, who also shared such ambitions.

     With no destination, carelessly walking around, Gorix stumbled across his spacial partner Cylara. The little, although brave, cybunny soon enough noticed that something was not right with her dear friend:

     — Cheer up, Gorix! Try to relax once in a while - said Cylara.

     — I can’t, Cylara… For years I have been trying to complete my Space Station Coins album, I am only missing one single coin, but I have never even heard of anyone ever finding it. The rare Smiling Space Faerie Coin.

     — Oh, if that is what haunts you then I will help you, my friend! Come on, let’s search for clues at the Space Station, I am positive that someone or something will be able to provide us with some hints! What do you say?

     — Are you sure you want to do this? Ok… then let’s go on one more adventure! - the little blue Grundo celebrated.

          The two friends walked around the station, checking every corner. They went to Space Weaponry, Space Armour, Lever of Doom, and even paid a visit to Grundos Cafe, where they enjoyed the opportunity to also rest and have a delicious Milkway Shake, the best selling drink in the house.

     — I can’t do this anymore, Cylara… we better face the truth that we will never find it - said Gorix, clearly upset - We have already scoured through everything around here and couldn’t find one single clue!

     — Yeah, it is challenging, but there is still one more place we could check… I am convinced we will at least get a hint there! - said the cheerful Cybunny.

     — And that place would be…?

     — The Grundo Warehouse, of course! There are tons of trinkets there. If this coin is not there, then for sure at least a clue we will manage to get.

          Both started running to the warehouse, barely holding their excitement. However, as they headed there, our heroes accidentally stumbled on a large and scary creature.

     — May I know what the hurry is for? - ranted the creature, dressed in a heavy dark armour with a beautiful blue cape.

     — Commander Gormos!? - screamed, frightened, the little ones.

     — Hurry up, spill it out! - said Commander Gormos, with authority.

     — Err, so… we were actually heading to the warehouse because Gorix has forgotten his laser gun there - Cylara quickly makes up.

     — Yeah, right, my precious laser gun! - confirms Gorix to the Commander.

     Gormos looked suspiciously at them, but chose to let it go. However, he gave them an advert:

     — I better not see you both running around the station hallways like that again or else you will be in serious trouble, do you understand!?

     — Yes, sir! - said the heroes, before they would get in any more problems.

     Once they arrived at the Grundo Warehouse, the Grundo who manages the place stopped them.

     — So, lady and gentleman, what is the code you wish to redeem?

     — Code? - asks Gorix.

     — Yes, here all of our products can only be retrieved with an unique and special code! - replied the manager.

     Cylara and Gorix exchanged concerned looks.

     — So… sir warehouse manager... could we please just quickly sneak peek into your warehouse? - asked Cylara, with the sweetest smile she could possibly pull off.

     — Absolutely… not! - ranted the manager - why would I let you go through products which do not belong to you? What exactly are you looking for, after all?

     — We are just curious regarding the warehouse, we have always been told about how well organized it is and that this is the best place to leave items in the whole universe! - said Gorix with admiration.

     — Do you really think I was born yesterday, kido? - the manager asked, while laughing hysterically.

          Cylara and Gorix realized that they would not be allowed in the warehouse by just chatting, so they headed back to Grundos Cafe to develop a plan. A good old Galactic Protein Shake would for sure sharpen their ideas.

     — We have to plan a strategy to invade the warehouse - said Cylara to her friend Gorix.

     — I agree, but is that even possible? - asked Gorix.

     — Of course it is, especially for us... c’mon, we have defeated Dr. Sloth! - asserted the Cybunny.

     Just then, all of a sudden, a tiny and mysterious eventide Grundo approached the two.

     — Excuse me, I couldn’t help but hear that you are planning to invade Grundos Warehouse... - started the Grundo.

     — Err, no, I think you must be mistaken, sir! - Cylara promptly interrupted him.

     — Oh but I heard it very well! Look, I think I may be able to help you both get in there. - said the mysterious Grundo.

     — Wow, for real? - asked Gorix, with clear excitement on his voice.

     — Yes, I have a code which you can use to redeem an item there. Once presenting this code, you will be given access to the interior of the warehouse. But be careful, you will only have one chance, as this code can only be used once! - alerted the Grundo.

     — We will make it - assured Gorix - So, what is the code?

          The little eventide Grundo grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down a bunch of letters and numbers. Then he gave it to our hero Gorix.

     Cylara and Gorix returned once more to the warehouse, this time without desperation, as they did not want any trouble with the Commander. Once they arrived, the manager rushed to send them away.

     — You both here again? Look, I am too busy, have got not time for jokes, please leave my establishment! - yelled the warehouse manager.

     — Sir, please, we are here to redeem an item! - explained Cylara.

     — Oh! Very well, then tell me your code, please. - asks the Grundo.

     — The code is A384J-228P1 - informed Gorix.

     The manager then typed the code in a gigantic computer in order to locate the corresponding item to be retrieved by Gorix and Cylara.


     — I have located the item, please follow me. - kindly asked the manager.

     Gorix and Cylara followed him, but the Cybunny waited for the warehouse manager to get a bit far ahead so she could whisper to Gorix:

     — Look, I will cause a distraction so you can search for the coin in the warehouse.

     — Ok, I won’t let you down, I am going to find it! - said Gorix.

     When they were almost arriving at the redeemed item’s location, Cylara screamed and pointed to the entrance:

     — IT IS DR. SLOTH, HE IS HERE!!!!!

     With mixed emotions of shock and fear, the warehouse manager ran to call for help before it was too late. Gorix then ran to the opposite direction to search for his dream coin.

     — I will find this coin no matter what, it is now a matter of honour! After all I am one of the resistance heroes! If I can help defeat Dr. Sloth, then I must be able to find this coin! - the blue Grundo would speak to himself.

     That was when he glanced to the side and spotted a fascinating mysterious box. If the coin was anywhere in the warehouse, it was certainly in a box like that. It was a golden chest, with writings in an unknown language, which amazed Gorix. His sixth sense never failed him. He approached the box step by step, certain that he would find the so precious coin that would complete his collection. With the box on his hands, he started to examine the object. Then, he found himself with another issue: he had no clue of how to open it.

     — How am I supposed to open this box? There are no gaps or locks! - Gorix asked himself.

     As he turned the box on his hands he noticed a button and a small keyboard. Gorix, then, pressed the button, which released an holographic message from the one and only Space Faerie:

     — Congratulations! You are the first honorable neopian to find my treasure - the Faerie’s hologram said, and continued - However, for you to be granted access to it you must first solve a puzzle and insert the answer on the given keyboard. If correct, the box will open and the treasure shall be yours.

     The hologram then revealed the mysterious question: “What colour is the Grundo chef at Cafe Kreludor?”

     — Argh, it is been quite some time since my last visit to the Cafe Kreludor… What can I say, the delicious snacks from Grundos Cafe really won my heart… and stomach… ok ok, focus! I think I know the answer to this one! - Gorix would say loud while thinking.

     The blue grundo then typed “Orange” on the box’ keyboard, and to his surprise it was indeed the correct answer! The box slowly opened and a bright light shined through the gap. For a few seconds our dear hero was blinded by the light, but soon his eyes got used to the clarity and he finally saw the content of the box.

     — That is it!! It is the Smiling Space Faerie Coin! I can’t believe I found it! - celebrated Gorix.

     He picked up the coin and ran around looking for Cylara. She was by the manager’s side and everything looked under control, he had not suspected anything and Cylara managed to give Gorix just enough time to find his precious treasure.

     Once reunited, the two friends left the warehouse as fast as they could and headed to Gorix’ housing unit at the station. On their way, Gorix took the opportunity to share with his dear friend his findings.

     — I made it, Cylara, I finally found the coin after searching for so long!

     — Wow, it is really beautiful! Now let’s hurry up and complete your album, shall we? - asked the Cybunny.

     — Absolutely! - replied Gorix, with tears of joy in his eyes.

     As soon as they stepped in the room, Gorix ran towards his album. He opened it up on the proper page and finally insert the Smiling Space Faerie Coin, thus completing his collection. This was the first collection he had ever completed. The two friends are surprised tho by a message which came up as soon as the coin was laid on the album. “You are now eligible to use ‘Stamp Collector - Space Station Coins’ as an avatar on the NeoBoards!’”.

     The End.

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