Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,635,439 Issue: 869 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y21
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Babaa's Nightmare

by __adelaide__

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Keep Calm and Kyrii on: Paint and Suffering
Well, that explains "starving artists".

by ahnyo


Drama after trying it
just as i suspected..

by arobed1992


Tips and Tricks for Helping Your Faerie Pet Soar
Everyone knows that faerie pets need a lot of love, care, and most importantly, exercise! Faerie pets have a unique disadvantage that most pets with wings don’t have, and that is that they (most often) are not born with their wings.

by linework


Digivices Quest for Avatars! Chapter 1
Digivices debut in a comic all about him!

by devotedly

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