Meow Circulation: 195,920,146 Issue: 884 | 6th day of Celebrating, Y21
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Top 16 Positive Random Events around Neopia

by xlorally


     While strolling around Neopia, something pop-ups on top of the page as you navigate around the websites.

     This could be one of them:

     “A red Poogle hops past and says "Hi!"”

     So, “Hi!” back at you. Now, what in the world is happening? Never fear, this is one of the features and uniqueness that make neopets, NEOPETS. Random Events is one of the most defining features in the sites and the oldest too. Just like the word meant, it occurred completely at random times and days. You could be feeding kads when suddenly the “Something has Happened” notification pop-up at the top of the page and distracted you from your main focus. No matter which part of crook and cranny you navigated through, when they want to show up, they will definitely do that whether you like it or not.

     There are various types of random events; in shorts term it can be called ‘RE’, that you can find scattered around the sites. They can be good random event, bad random event, and worthless random event. You’re free to interpret them according to your own perspective. Besides, there are also a special random events that you can find spreading around the sites during your visit to Terror Mountain and Tyrannia. Other lands other than this two doesn’t have these privileges.

     On March 19, 2014, after a mysterious random event popping around, Neopia is finally introduced to the existence of Dr. Landelbrot, who is in charge to supervise the maintenance of the machine that generates random events in Neopia. He requested for Neopian helps to make repair to the machine and thus new random events returned to Neopia with brand new and shiny looks. Though, you can found him on his ship, Aboard the Coincidence nowadays.

     So that you have been brief with history of random events, let’s proceed with the real agenda;

     The Top 16 Positive Random Events around Neopia. As I’m that generous, there are some additional commentary to express how I felt about receiving this positive random events.

     16. The Ghost Lupe appears suddenly and growls before disappearing again. You realize all your Neopets are now at full health!

     Effect: All Neopets are restored to full hit points.

     Comment: This save lots of neopoints if you’re someone who depends solely with Healing Spring in order to heal your pets. However, Healing Spring sometimes may only hands you a healing potion or in some cases, an elixir (what I’m gonna do with an elixir) that doesn’t even fully heals your pets. So this random events is a good luck wishes send by Queen Fyora herself, I think. *wink*

     15. Whoa! PET NAME has suddenly gotten stronger! This is what happens after a balanced breakfast. At least that's what the Battle Faerie tells you.

     Effect: Your active pet's strength increases by 1.

     Comment: Not really that special, but at least you doesn’t need to go training and wasting your precious neopoints purchasing codestones or dubloons. Nevertheless, Neopian who like to train their pet can enjoy this beneficial reward, even though it only an increment by one point. Just be grateful for that events compared than having nothing at all.

     14. Whoa! PET NAME has suddenly gained a level! This is what happens after a balanced breakfast. At least that's what the Battle Faerie tells you.

     Effect: Your active pet's level increases by 1.

     Comment: Just like random events that I have mentioned above, there’s nothing special with this RE. However, it does helps you in saving your hard earn neopoints from purchasing codestones and dubloons for one to six hours training periods. In case of your pets need to undergo training at level 250 and above, than this RE will save you about 24 hours of training times. Be grateful people. Be really grateful.

     13. Looks like you could use some more training. Here, take these codestones and visit me at the Training School. Good luck!

     Effect: 6 different normal codestones are added to your inventory.

     Comment: WOW! I think I love this RE as I can make an easy profits by selling in bulk because I didn’t need to use them to train my Xmieck (he’s in Secret Ninja Training School, with two red codestones and more expensive). However, for someone who still training their pets at Mystery Island Training School, this is a super bonus. You can trained your pet roughly six times, although that only if your pet need one codestone to train for each training their practices (and lower level).

     12. A faerie offers you an ice negg. "Take this ITEM NAME! Be sure to visit the Neggery for all your neggy needs!"

     Effect: A random ice negg is added to your inventory.

     Comment: This is one neat RE. You can either sell the negg or go to the Neggery to redeem your negg points value depending on what types of negg that you got as a reward. E.g. Negg can only trade for one point. On the other hand, you can also feed the negg to your pet because negg is classified as food. They will respond and I quote “How do you know that this is my favorite food”. Enjoy your negg! Om nom nom.

     11. While out for a stroll, PET NAME looks down and finds X NP on the ground. Today looks like a lucky day!

     Effect: Neopoints are added to your on hand total (between 4,519 and 50,000 Neopoints).

     Comment: Oh, hey! Free neopoints falling from the sky. Who doesn’t want that, right? I’m sure that everyone LOVES, yes with the capital letters, of this events because it comes out from nowhere. I have always deprived from having lots of neopoints so this one RE I want to pop-up on top of the page more frequently especially the one that reward you an astounding amount of 49k neopoints.

     10. A fashionable Acara gives PET NAME a gift of 50 NC and says, "fashion is for everyone, darling!"

     Effect: 50 NC is added to your account.

     Comment: Only one word from me, WOHOOO! As someone who never have the chance to purchase NC, this is one of the nicest random events. Who doesn’t want some free Neocash? I for one, definitely want them. It’s raining NC all over. (Dear Neo, you should change that raining mortogs RE with raining Neocash instead.)

     9. An Alien Aisha gives you a ITEM NAME! Maybe it's time for a trip to the Vending Machine....

     Effect: A r100 Nerkmid is added to your inventory.

     Comment: Just like that negg RE, you can sell this nerkmid starting from 60k to 80k, depending on what types of nerkmid that you received. If not, you can try your luck to win rare paint brush from the Vending Machine. If only it’s that simple.

     8. Your shop has suddenly increased in size! Wonder how that happened....

     Effect: Your shop increases by 1 size

     Comment: Another win-win situation to me. Depending from your own point of view, to me this is one sweet random events as my shop need about 35k in order to expand to another size. So if you have size 500 shop/mall, having increased in one size means that you can save about 100k. That’s a big saving as you can spend that 100k on something else that you want.

     7. What's this? It seems you have found a piece of the secret laboratory map!

     Effect: A piece of the Secret Laboratory Map is added to your inventory.

     Comment: Another RE that can possibly make thousands on neopoints. There are 9 random pieces of Secret Laboratory Map that you can have a chance to be rewarded. If by some luck you got that 900k value piece of lab map that is one good investment to sell. Or if you’re newbie, you can keep them for your own self for a chance to excess the Secret Laboratory Map and start zapping your pets to get you dream pets.

     6. The Shop Wizard wiggles his magical toes and suddenly your gallery has five more spaces!

     Effect: Your gallery size increases by 5 (it has room for 25 more items).

     Comment: Umm, that such a BIG toes, Mr. Shop Wizard. Thank you for that extra increase in size of my gallery, really truly appreciated it. Will be forever and ever be in debt with you. Could you do the same with my shop, please? *blink blink* Ah! I forgot, you cannot do that, boohoo! And nice toes, really MAGICAL.

     5. A chill runs up your spine and you feel someone behind you. Thankfully, it's just Jacko the Phantom painter here to give you ITEM NAME. He quickly fades away, and you decide to focus on your new item so you don't get the creeps.

     Effect: A r101 Paint Brush is added to your inventory.

     Comment: This can go both ways, bad or good. One, being rewarded an expensive paint brush or two, it can be a really cheap paint brush. For example, you can get a super expensive paint brush like Wraith Paint Brush or Halloween Paint Brush, and that only if you’re lucky. If you want a taste of bad luck, you probably get something like Sketch Paint brush perhaps, that can be sell at 40k of something. Meh! Profit is still profit no matter how you look at it, no need to be such a sourpuss. Here have a lemon, make a lemonade.

     4. The Pant Devil's evil twin hands you ITEM NAME, stolen from his brother. He flies away cackling madly.

     Effect: A r99 morphing potion is added to your inventory.

     Comment: This also can go both ways. In one hand, if you’re super-duper lucky, you could get the most expensive one like Orange Draik Morphing Potion. On the other hand, you could get the cheapest likes anything related with pirate morphing potion, as they are given out through Anchor Management. At the end of the day, you will choose whether to throw them into your SDB or shop and make some profits or more generous Neopian will donate the potion to the one who need them most.

     3. Captain Limebeard says, "Arrrgh! Yer not eatin' yer fruits an' vegetables! Ye better take this ITEM NAME b'fore ye get scurvy!"

     Effect: A r99 Chia Pop is added to your inventory.

     Comment: A Chia pop can be either expensive or not. If luck is on your side, you could get a magical chia pop that can be sell for profit at thousands or millions of neopoints. Magical Pea Chia Pop (4-5mil) is the most expensive chia pop as they are one of avatar items. For someone that likes to participate in Gourmet Club, these wide range of flavor chia pop can be fed to their pets as part of Gourmet Club points.

     2. A mad cackle echos around you before Dr. Sloth appears! "The price for this ITEM NAME is merely your unquestioning loyalty." You take the potion. He didn't mean that, right?

     Effect: A Transmogrification Potion is added to your inventory

     Comment: This RE also can generate profit, if you decide to sell it. The cheapest one is Moehog Transmogrification Potion (98k) while Draik Transmogrification Potion (7mil) is the most expensive. Back on the day, at times where the economic are more competitive, transmogrification potions can make you rich faster than reselling and restocking your shop because of it is categorizes as high values items. However, nowadays, transmogrification have only been purchase by those who want mutant pets, if they are eager to get one. The more patience one will just zapped their pets until that color is obtained.

     1. Gordos the Collector sniffs and says, "That's a pathetic stamp album! Accept my charitable donation of ITEM NAME."

     Effect: A r92-98 stamp is added to your inventory, which you may add to your album if you wish.

     Comment: Stamps collectors definitely LOVES this random; I LOVES IT. Not only they get an expensive stamp, they can also save neopoints from having to purchase it by themselves. If they already have that stamp, they can just let it go and sell it. BAM! Instant profits. Be as it may, I have got Guardian of Spectral Magic Stamp from this RE once only. ONCE! Can you believe that? Story of my life.

     Honorable Mention:

     Dr. Sloth looks down on you as he passes by. He then turns the corner out of sight. You're still alive, so that's something.

     Effect: Sloth! avatar is awarded.

     Comment: *ugly sobbing* Who would have thought that I deserved to be look down by the brilliant and evil mastermind; Dr. Sloth. Come visit me again in the future, Doctor. Not to take back my avatar but to reward me with one of your greatest creation, the transmogrification potions so that I can sold them to the highest bidder. *blow nose*


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