Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,920,146 Issue: 884 | 6th day of Celebrating, Y21
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You know, it was fun when you announced the Halloween Costume Party, but I've noticed that it is now December, and we still don't know the outcome of it. So who won the contests?~~caelan63
I know it's taken longer than expected but rest assured we have not forgotten about it. We are working diligently on it and it will be up very soon.

Hello! Fellow loving xweetok mom here! The new Xweetok Party Wig seems to be glitched and doesn't sit quite properly on the head. Any chance this could get fixed soon? And was the missing ruff on the new glowing xweetok on purpose? This has been a debate between neopians! Xweetoks in general seem to have a few glitches in their items, how can we go about requesting items like this to be fixed? Is it a time consuming task? Thank you! -no tags here-3
Hi there! I'm also a Xweetok adorer myself as well. And I have gone ahead and talked to Donny and he fixed it right up! In general you can send glitches to support or through editorial, If I or Donny are able to fix them we can fix them here.

Hi! Can you please activate the item Blueberry Flavored Ice Cube that was announced on September 12th? (And also please fix the spelling from Blueberry Flavored Ice Cube to Blueberry Flavoured Ice Cubes) Thanks!~~lucky3005pig
You got it dude!

Hello! Can you please activate the item Rocket Sandwich? It was announced way back on March 28th but it hasn't appeared anywhere in Neopia since it was announced.
Done & done!

To: Donny, c/o NT Editorial Team: Dear Sir, I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great sadness that I report that the "Smiling Angelpuss Garland" is missing its hanger icon, a requirement to alert all kind Neopians that an item is wearable. I beseech you to fix this post-haste. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, A. Beauty~~agedbeauty
You should see the hanger now :)

The book Gyros Inventions was just released from the Advent calendar, but it isn't readable. It is in the category "book," but the option to read it to a pet doesn't show up. Could you please have this fixed? *Throws book-shaped cookies as thanks*~~theknighthawk
Fixed as well! I feel like there is a conspiracy of someone in the office who doesn't want anyone to read...not sure what that's all about...

Hey there! Is there any chance we could get an ETA on the results for the latest Random Contest? a lot of us are really eager to see the entries!~~yellow_gellow
It is live! All winners have been chosen and granted their prizes :)

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