Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,005,623 Issue: 887 | 10th day of Sleeping, Y22
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword extreme_butterfly

Week - 718

Not Always as it Seems
by extreme_butterfly
Description: Lilly the Ixi grew up as a wealthy pet. She always had the most expensive customizations,her stats were always on top and she had her wings professionally groomed so that they'd glisten as she flew across Neopia. Even the Faeries were jealous of her beauty.

Week - 736

Nice Guys Finish First
by extreme_butterfly
Description: Neopians from all lands compete to become the Altador Champion. Although, Aero knew all about the cup, he never really thought of participating. Everyone was excited, they couldn't wait to choose their teams. Aero, couldn't wait to read the article in the Neopian Times about it. Then the thought crossed his mind, "What if I played this year?"

Week - 756

Never Give Up!
by extreme_butterfly
Description: Ollie the blue Pteri loved the fact that he could fly. It was a trait that wasn't out of the ordinary around Neopia, because a lot of pets and of course the Faeries could fly. However, Ollie was different.

Week - 810

The Perfect Gift
by extreme_butterfly
Description: It was finally the month of December, only twenty five days until Christmas and Calli the Ixi was starting to get excited.

Week - 886

A Christmas Surprise
by extreme_butterfly
Description: Merily the Meerca and her family moved to a small town in Faerieland due to her dads new job offer that they couldn't afford to refuse. Bad thing is, Merily had to leave behind her school and her friends including her best friend Reignbow the Ixi and to make matters worse, it was almost Christmas.

Week - 887

Neogoals 2020
by extreme_butterfly
Description: Did you make Neogoals for 2019 and didn't quite stick to them? No worries, we've all been there *cough fitness cough*

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