Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,090,786 Issue: 893 | 6th day of Running, Y22
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Just Cake #13

by flameshard

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Chaos Causers: Shopping Troubles
Those poor employees who have to dispose of each item every 20-40 minutes or so.

by huntercn


Round Table Poker Champion!
Why else he would have so many coins?

by neopieceluffy


Dueling Decks: Dueling Your Way To A Trophy
Are you a fan of trading card games and using your wits to outplay a forest-dwelling Mynci? Dueling Decks is the game for you!

by mystify


Game Trophies - A little bit of luck?
Just how lucky do you really need to be to get one of these trophies? Below is a breakdown of what's required for each one. Maybe you'll find some of them aren't as hard as you thought!

by crimson_sunbird

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