A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 196,090,786 Issue: 893 | 6th day of Running, Y22
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Short Stories

Steel- The Greatest Chef in the World!...Almost

A little poogle's dreams come true...well almost

by rkbear
An Off Morning

Larry woke up early Tuesday morning. Something was off, but he couldn't quite place it.

by arqien
The Faerie Academy

Joura stared at the paper on the desk before her, pencil poised and ready to write. She knew she would be forced to make this decision before graduating the Faerie Academy, but it had come so soon.

by kenorencee
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"The Faerie Academy" by kenorencee
Joura stared at the paper on the desk before her, pencil poised and ready to write. She knew she would be forced to make this decision before graduating from the Faerie Academy, but it had come so soon. She looked around at her fellow Faerie students, watching them scribble excitedly as they answered the question that most of them had probably known since they began their training. Yet, Joura didn’t know how to answer the question before her. “What form of magic will you specialize in after graduation?” All Faeries begin as neutral beings, able to use all Faerie magic. As they grow older, they begin to specialize in one kind of magic, and this determines the kind of Faerie they will become. For most, the choice is easy - Faeries tend to be born with a natural talent for one form of magic over the others. Even now, with graduation still weeks away, Joura could see the clear wings of some of her classmates already changing colors. Her own wings were still clear, giving no hint as to what path she should choose. Letting out a sigh, Joura wrote “undecided” on her paper and turned it in.

Other Stories


Dueling Decks: Dueling Your Way To A Trophy
Are you a fan of trading card games and using your wits to outplay a forest-dwelling Mynci? Dueling Decks is the game for you!

by mystify


Gadgadsbogen: Interview with Llugh at Mystery Island
It’s the Month of Running and Gadgadsbogen is here once again! Gadgadsbogen is an annual festival when all the residents of Mystery Island come together to celebrate all the new Tropical Food that sprout to replace the newly retired foods of yesteryear.

by puusormi


Avatar Goldmine
Rysony stumbled backwards on the ground, still in shock of seeing the Black Pteri. He quickly scurried back to where he had left his bag to pick up all the weapons he had packed.

by wizzkid_


Harker's Story
The problem – one of them, at least – with owning the single copy of a rare, priceless, personal and dangerous item – was that Harker couldn’t tell anyone.

by tanikagillam


Etta and the Old Timesake, Part 13
Wow, that sure is convenient! I can't wait to never explain it.

by shadowstrand


Balthazar's Secret
The truth about Extreme Herder

by dianalovee

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