Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,090,786 Issue: 893 | 6th day of Running, Y22
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Jhudora's Bad Day

by paperbackstab

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Avatar Goldmine
Rysony stumbled backwards on the ground, still in shock of seeing the Black Pteri. He quickly scurried back to where he had left his bag to pick up all the weapons he had packed.

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Do You Love Free Stuff?
Do you love free stuff? I think we all do. There is just something so satisfying about getting something without paying for it, whether it is a really rare Battledome weapon or even just a common NeoHome decoration.

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Legends and... Letters? (Part 04 - Fountain Faerie)
A message for the Fountain Faerie

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An Off Morning
Larry woke up early Tuesday morning. Something was off, but he couldn't quite place it.

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