Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 196,090,786 Issue: 893 | 6th day of Running, Y22
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Round Table Poker Champion!

by neopieceluffy

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Just Cake #13
With time, comes change.

by flameshard


The River that Flows Eternal
Morning came with little fanfare. Evett and Rikti woke and stood slowly, squinting in the light. The rainclouds were gone, leaving only a muggy scent on the air. Today was a warm day, sure to get warmer.

by movie138music


Collaborative Confusion #2: Hotline Sloth
When that slothline bling

by 1337_masta


Etta and the Old Timesake, Part 13
Wow, that sure is convenient! I can't wait to never explain it.

by shadowstrand

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