Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,153,638 Issue: 896 | 27th day of Running, Y22
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword gray_wolf_1976

Week - 896

A Mysterious Illness
by gray_wolf_1976
Description: On the 29th of the Month of Awakening at 9:25 pm NST a royal messenger appeared at the drawbridge to Queen Fyora’s castle in a pastel purple cloud of smoke. He waited impatiently while the palace guards confirmed his identity and let Queen Fyora know she had a messenger heading towards the throne room.

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Stolen Crown Chronicles
Fyora sat on her throne and gazed out of the window of her castle. She had just answered thirty odd questions regarding Faerieland and the upcoming Faerie Festival and she was exhausted. She pulled her crown off her head and placed it into her lap.collab with tarons

by devotedly


Faerie Wings Short: Delilah's Royal Coronation
Delilah occupied herself with the scenery below. Watching the various Faeries scramble around each other provided a temporary distraction. The Air Faerie behind her had her mouth stuffed with pins as she styled Delilah’s long, purple hair into a fancy beehive-style updo.

by downrightdude


BREAKING NEWS: Queen Fyora Steps Down from Throne
Queen Fyora has stepped down from the throne to pursue a career in making sculptures out of food. She plans to work with cheese, chocolate, and more. Because of this, she is moving to Neopia Central, where lots of food shops are close by.

by _brainchild_


The Fyora Question: Lesser-Known Scandals
Fyora has faced an onslaught of opposition in recent weeks, with growing calls for her to step down and pass her collection of pink-orbed staves to a more worthwhile governess. In the wake of the so-called “Mr. Krawley incident”, everyone from King Altador to Queen Amira – once allies of the Faerieland monarch in the Council of Neopian Nations – have written scathing op-eds on the Faerie Queen; even Brynnso is calling for her resignation.

by rielcz


Fyora's Plan
Wait... It's who?Drawn by tifnkittygrundler.

by 1337_masta

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